Attach the bird sticker from the outside

This can be remedied by attaching the stickers from the outside or by providing the windows with patterns or vertical stripes. The distance between the stripes can be up to 10 centimeters and they can be glued or painted on. There are colorless pens (so-called «bird pens») and stickers that can be used for this in specialist shops. Blinds, curtains or roller blinds can also help, but they usually darken the apartment. Children’s paintings or plants and decorative items on windows can also help to make glass surfaces harmless to birds.

What to do if an injured bird is found
In many cases, the collision turns out to be not seriously injuring. A short rest is enough for the bird to recover and continue its flight. The best way to do this is to put the bird in an air-permeable box lined with a light towel or kitchen paper and place it in a quiet, elevated spot that is cat-safe. There the patient can recover in the dark and quiet. After about 2 hours you can open the cardboard box outdoors – never in a living room – again. If the bird doesn’t fly away but stays put, it’s best to take it to the nearest wildlife sanctuary or to another foster home that is familiar with wild birds.

supports the wildlife sanctuary in Hamburg with 100,000 euros annually. Every year, more than 1,500 wild animals such as deer, squirrels and birds are given away, raised, given medical care and released back into the wild.

More information about the cooperation: www./projekte/kooperationen/wildtierstation-hamburg

More wildlife guides: www./themen/wildtiere/ratgeber