In summer there is sometimes very high temperatures and it is extreme caution required if you 30 degrees want to go out with the dog.
Our furry friends suffer from the heat and at worst they can heat stroke suffer if they too long outside are.
Particularly flat-snouted dogs are endangered. Here you can find out what you do on days like this observe should.
In a nutshell: Can you take the dog out at 30 degrees?
You should be at 30 degrees not too long out with the dog because the high temperatures for a dog not pleasant are and the risk of heat stroke is very high.
The dogs overheat and dehydrate then very quickly if you don’t Precautions meet
do yours walks best with your dog Morning or evening and avoid lunchtime quite.
Special Caution is with dogs flat snouts commanded because their respiratory tract mostly because of their race narrowed are.
Is it safe to walk my dog in 30 degrees Celsius?
You can walk your dog at 30 degrees if you right time of day and the duration of the walks be careful not to overheat your dog.
If you have one Flat Schnauzer own, you must extra careful be as their Airways narrowed are.
walking during the day
During the day you should avoid at temperatures of 30 degrees going outside with the dog.
The heat can be for dogs very uncomfortable be and that risk of heat stroke increase.
However, if for some reason you need to get out during the day, then then restrict this time on one a few minutes.
Just let your dog be do business and bring him back into the house. If possible, find one shady spot for this.
Go for a walk in the morning or in the evening
On hot days it is best to take your dog in the cooler hours to go for a walk. At the early morning or on late evening the temperatures are more comfortable.
At these times, your dog can move without the risk of overheating to be exposed.
Avoid midday sun
Avoid walking with your dog during the midday sun. At this time they are temperatures highest.
If there is no other way, then search The shade up and make sure your dog doesn’t wake up hot asphalt runs. The latter is definitely one of the things you shouldn’t do to your dog on a hot day!
Flat-snouted dogs are particularly at risk
dogs with flat snouts such as B. pugs, boxers or bulldogs have because of their anatomical features difficulties with regulation of their body temperature.
You can overheat faster than other dogs and have one higher riska heat stroke to suffer.
If you are an owner of such a breed, you should be extra careful and make sure that your four-legged friend not long in the heat remains.
Keeping your dog cool and protecting it from heat stroke – 5 tips
At hot temperatures of 30 degrees with the dog outside the door dangerous for your dog.
Here are 5 tipshow to approach your dog hot days can keep cool and him in front of you heat stroke protects:
Always take a bottle of water and a bowl with you so your dog drink anytime can. Your dog can do without water dehydrate and even one heat stroke receive.
The shade
always find one shady placeto your dog to protect from the sun.
If no shade is available, you can Awning or bed sheet use.
avoid excessive on hot days physical activities How cycling or long walks. Your dog might have one heat stroke get or dehydrate.
time management
Take your dog to the cooler hours of the day stroll, such as am early morning or late evening.
Stay with your dog in very hot temperatures not too long outside, above all not at lunchtime.
The car – an absolute no-go!
Never leave your dog waiting in the car, too not for a short time.
Self short car rides at high temperatures dangerous his and your dog one increased risk for one heatstroke expose.
What are the symptoms of dogs suffering from heat exhaustion?
At temperatures of 30 degrees, your dog can heat exhaustion suffer when you take him for a walk. Sometimes your dog can’t even stand up.
Heat exhaustion is one serious health threat and it is important to the symptoms to know for it.
Dogs suffering from heat exhaustion pant very quickly and strained, to her body temperature to regulate and not getting enough oxygen.
If your dog suffers from heat exhaustion, it can be a lot sluggish and tired work and has barely still interest to it, to move.
Your dog can too disoriented or confused work and have difficulties simple instructions to follow.
vomiting or diarrhea
Heat exhaustion can also cause your dog to become overwhelmed vomits or diarrhea receives.
heat stroke
Heat stroke can result from a advanced heat exhaustion appear.
disorientation and unconsciousness are the consequences. 50 percent of all heat strokes are in dogs deadly.
Good to know:
Slowly cool your dog and shed never water over his head. Use a damp towel instead.
At 30 degrees Celsius you should only go out with the dog for a short time, preferably in the morning or in the evening.
Dogs suffer from the heat and the risk of heat stroke is extremely elevated. Particularly endangert are dogs with flat snouts.
walk with your dog only in the morning or in the evening out of the house and avoid them lunchtime.
always remember to take water with you and look for one shady place. avoid physical activities with your dog and let him never alone in the car!
Watch for symptoms one heat exhaustion with your dog like panting, lethargy, confusion, vomiting, or diarrheal, so that a heatstroke cannot even arise.
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