Ashes spiritual and biblical meaning (What does it mean in the Bible)

Ashes spiritual meaning We have received questions about ashes and some of them are: Do ashes have biblical meaning? How is ash related to dust in the Bible? Do ashes have spiritual significance? What does ash mean in the Bible? What is the meaning of ash according to the Bible? Could you post about the ash spiritual meaning?

Let’s see, next, the answers to these interesting questions about the ashes, but first, we ask ourselves, what, in fact, are these?


General features

Ash is the grayish-white powdery residue left behind when something is burned (calcined). It is also used to describe the inorganic matter of a fuel. However, the ashes are much more than that in the spiritual realm.

In this sense, we can observe that the ashes are inert dust, lifeless, because life has disappeared with the extinction of the fire. It is dispersed by the wind and spreads over land or dissolves in water.

The ashes remind us, in general terms, of our insignificance, our miserable and ephemeral human condition. He invites us to observe humility before the universe. Ash is what remains of what was once alive.

The absence of life does not necessarily mean death, which can be considered as another form of life. The ash represents nothingness, or more exactly, what is neither alive nor dead, an amorphous state as it was before the creation of the universe according to various myths.

Let’s see, then, in more detail, the ashes spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Ashes spiritual meaning #1 Cyclical renewal (in esotericism) As we mentioned before, the ash is the residual matter of combustion and, therefore, symbolizes what remains after the fire of life has been extinguished, but, in esotericism, it is pointed out that this ash returns to nature and resurface as the Phoenix.

That is, it implies that the spark of life is always present in the ashes. Therefore, it is indestructible and allows cyclical regeneration or simply said the eternal return.


Ashes spiritual meaning #2 Life (in Chinese culture) According to Chinese tradition, very similar to esotericism, it points out that the fire that burns under the ashes is a hidden fire, the fire of life that is invisible to our eyes and is sacred. In this case, the ash remains hot and maintains life, protects it.

The ash here shares the symbolism of the cave and the cavern, as well as the womb. But if water is thrown on this ash, the liquid extinguishes the coal and destroys the vital fire; it will only leave cold and inert matter. Therefore, the Chinese tradition distinguishes between dry and wet ash.


Ashes spiritual meaning #3 Detachment from the material (the Sadhus of India) Indian ascetics, called sadhus, cover the body with moist ash.

For them, the wet ash represents the food of the god of fire and his detachment from earthly possessions, values ​​and desires.


Ashes spiritual meaning #4 Removal of impurity (in Alchemy) In alchemy, ash, like Saltis a manifestation of albedo (white work), the «foliated white earth» resulting from the combustion of impurities.


Ashes spiritual meaning #5 Useful element In the past, and still today in some parts of the world, farmers poured ash on their fields before planting to fertilize the soil; they mixed it with the grain in the silos to prevent it from rotting.

The ash was used to whiten clothes. It is soft, fine, very slightly abrasive and absorbs and dissolves grease, which is why it was used in the past to make detergents and soap. It is also used to shine certain metals (copper, brass, silver).


Ashes spiritual meaning #6 Destruction In the 20th century, ash became a symbol of total destruction: a city reduced to ashes by a bombardment, the Shoah and its crematoria, nuclear bombs, everything evokes annihilation, desolation and death on a large scale, the extermination, the horror.


Ashes spiritual meaning #7 Complementary Ash is associated with the yang principle, the sun, the Prayed, fire and dryness. In some rituals, the ash is used to obtain rain.

Water is its opposite element, but also its complement. Fire symbolizes the Spirit, the masculine principle; water symbolizes the Soul, the feminine principle.


Ashes spiritual meaning #8 Other spiritual meanings In some cultures, ashes are mixed with food or drink to absorb the virtues of the deceased.

In Tibet, lamas mix the ashes of saints with clay to make buddha figurines.

Let’s see, then, the ashes biblical meaning or what does the ash mean in the Bible.


In the Holy Scriptures

Ashes biblical meaning or what does the ash mean in the Bible #1 Humility In Genesis, Abraham says I dare to speak to my Lord, I who am dust and ashes (Genesis 18:27), that is, little. The dust and ashes represent here the humility that must be shown when addressing God.

Ashes biblical meaning or what does the ash mean in the Bible #2 Penance Other meanings of ashes in the Bible are mortification and penance. The custom of the Semitic peoples (Hebrews, Arabs) of scattering ashes on their heads as a sign of repentance is described in the second book of Samuel – 13, 19.

We see another case in the Ninevites who covered themselves with ashes to show their change of life after 40 days of Jonah’s preaching.

The Church demanded, mainly in the Middle Ages. to the public penitents – who had committed a murder, a public sin – to spend the 40 days of Lent, covered in ashes, at the doors of the churches.

Ashes biblical meaning or what does the ash mean in the Bible #3 Anguish and repentance Another symbolism, closely related to the above, of covering oneself with ashes makes a lot of sense as an external expression of repentance in the face of impending doom, calamity or destruction, either to acknowledge God’s intentional judgment, or even as a way of expressing the destruction that it has been thrown upon you in some sense.

An example we have in the case of Tamar who spilled ashes on her head after being raped by her stepbrother Amnon, which destroyed her life and her reputation, for which she expressed her deep anguish by heaping destruction on her face (2 Samuel 13: 11-14, 19).

Also Job, who lost everything – family, cattle, house, prosperity, reputation – and reduces his life to ashes and repents in ashes (Job 30:19, 42:6)

Ashes biblical meaning or what does the ash mean in the Bible #3 Purification and transformation Ash Wednesday ashes are the result of dry branches, used on Palm Sunday last year, which have been saved and are now cremated.

The branches pass through the purifying fire of suffering, of the annihilation of selfishness and pride. This passage through the fire is Easter, a change of life and a transformation of behavior.

Ashes biblical meaning or what does the ash mean in the Bible #4 Liberation The ashes, from Ash Wednesday, remind us that God reduced himself to death on the cross, to give us eternal life, liberation from death


Questions and answers

How is ash related to dust in the Bible? In Hebrew, the words “dust” (ʿāp̄ār) and “ashes” (ēp̄er) form a synophony, two words that have different spellings and meanings, but sound and look alike.

The fact that they are used together is not a coincidence. Aside from this kind of pun that ties the two words together conceptually, sharing the same meanings of futility,. uselessness, mortality and death, the main difference between dust and ash is often found in its immediate context as a cultural symbol and relative response. to imminent destruction, or as a consequence of having just been destroyed (Esther 4: 1-3; Job 2:8; Isaiah 33:12, 61:3; Jeremiah 6:26, 31:40; Ezekiel 28:18;. Malachi 4:3; Matthew 11:21; Luke 10:13; 2 Peter 2:6).


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