Artist gives kids tattoos for good reason

How many times have you heard your dad say “tattoos are for bad people”, well, the parents of these children do not think the same and they let an artist paint temporary tattoos on the children for a good reason, now the problem is that they do not know they want to bathe

Just as there are payamedicsthere are also other types of artists who seek to bring a smile to the boys who are hospitalized.

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This is the case of the New Zealander benjamin lloydwho started a campaign in Facebook which ended up being very successful. Lloyd said that if he received 50 likes he would do temporary tattoos to all the boys interned in the Aukland Children’s Hospital. And he received more than 400,000! So he got going.

«Nothing brings me more joy than giving guys confidence with custom tattoos,» Lloyd wrote. The only bad thing is that afterwards they don’t want to take a bath”.

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The artist tattooed the children’s skins with animals, flowers and butterflies and skulls. And even for a while he made their hospital life happy and stole a smile from them.

Taken from TNCom