Artificial grass care, batteries that do not get damaged!

The artificial grass care they are very important to prolong its life and avoid having to change it. We teach you the ABC on this topic.

Just as roses have secrets for their care, this type of lawn has its own tips for proper use and maintenance, which, although it seems simple, has several trapdoors.

Without a good cleaning, you run the risk that the lawn will be damaged and you will have to reach into your pocket to buy another one. But no nerves, we tell you how to take care of it and leave it like a grape!

Artificial grass maintenance

It is not as complicated as having natural «grass». Due to the composition of artificial materials, its maintenance requires very simple things:
Brush it periodically: the recommendation is that you do it in the opposite direction to which the fibers go because in this way the residues are better eliminated.
Apply silica sand: in the holes or spaces that are made in the lawn.

How to clean and disinfect artificial grass?

Within the constant use that we give to this article, it is very important that you know that its cleaning and disinfection, especially in times of Coronavirus, must be thorough, since these materials keep bacteria and organic residues that affect your health. You can use the following technique to clean and disinfect it:

  • It would be good if you watered it every month or maximum every two months. You can do it with pure water (if you collect rainwater it also works), avoiding flooding it; you need to use a lot of pressurized water with a hose.
  • For disinfection you can use bleach or vinegar diluted in water, scrubbing the lawn with this solution.

What happens if artificial grass gets wet?

Keep in mind that sometimes this «grass» is found in open spaces exposed to the sun and rain. At the time of purchase, you should know that there are lawns suitable for rainso you can require your supplier to have these characteristics to prevent the material from rotting or losing its condition due to inclement weather.

How long does artificial grass last?

It lasts a long time! If you have it in your garden or terrace and you give it the necessary care, you could enjoy it for about… 20 years. In the event that you use them, for example, for soccer fields, with the required precautions, they can last you about 10 or 12 years in good conditions.

Artificial grass care to remove the bad smell?

From time to time, you can apply a mild-smelling sanitizing perfume to remove dirt or prevent bugs or bacteria from remaining on the lawn.

How to clean artificial grass from dog pee (urine)?

The best recommendations to clean it is with a very simple technique, mixing soap and water in a spray bottle. Then, spray this content in the area where your puppy did his thing. Let it act for a few minutes and clean later with clean water.

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