Art Nouveau and Art Deco: The differences between these artistic movements

Thus, Art Nouveau I was looking for balance and harmony before the uncertainty of the time for the outbreak of World War I. The colored stained glass, columns with eccentric shapes, flowers, ceramics, undulations and asymmetries, They were characteristic elements of this movement.

Instead, the Art Deco is based on geometric shapes, straight and angles, as well as mass and symmetry. Unlike Art Nouveau, this current emphasized industrialization and structure, Inspired by the first avant -garde.

In this way, geometric patterns, squares, rectangles and circles are part of this style that, although it is more colorful than art nouveau, It is elegant without getting to opulence. The most common materials They were ebony, mahogany, chrome, plastic and metals.

Art Deco is based on geometric shapes, straight and angles, as well as mass and symmetry.

Ilpo's Sojourn / Wikipedia

Who were your greatest exponents?

The greatest exposure of Art nouveau It was carried out during the Universal Exhibition of Paris of 1900, being some of his maximum exponents The architect Víctor Horta, Paul Hankar, Henry Valdevelde, Antonio Gaudí, in Spain; as well as Otto Wagner and Héctor Guimard, in France.

Meanwhile, the Art Deco had a great reach in the Decorative Arts Exhibition of Paris in 1925. Some of its greatest exponents They were Louis Süe, André Mare Louis Jaulmes, René Lalique and Pierre Patout.

Güell Park, one of Art Noveau's clearest examples by Antonio Gaudí.


Influence of Art Noveau on architecture and design

Some of the most famous buildings of Art Nouveau They are the Maison Tassel of Victor Horta, the Hôtel Solvay wave Maison du Peuple In Brussels. In France, Guimard designed the Parisian subway tickets And, in Spain, Gaudí stood out with the Parc Güell and the Sagrada Familia.