Are you a psycho? Find out through your yawn

Research has also shown to stay friends with an ex could turn you into a possible psychopath.

In fact, you can take online quizzes to see if you have the traits of one.

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According to a particular 2015 study published in Personality and Individual Differencesthe researchers found that there is a link between being a psychopath and yawning. To be more specific, when you yawn.

Researchers at Baylor University recruited 135 subjects, had them take the Psychopathic Personality Inventory, and then conducted an experiment in which exposed the subjects to yawning.

Before we explain more, test yourself by watching a video of different people yawning (we leave you a sample, but there are hundreds on YouTube) and see how long can you look without yawning.

How long did you last without yawning? The first 5 seconds? Or all the way to the end? If you gave in to your yawns before the end, congratulations! you are not a psychopath. But yes No you did it, then you could be one.

According to the researchers, it all has to do with the empathy. One of the signs of being a psychopath is his lack of empathy towards another person.

It’s known that empathy is one of the central psychological factors which can lead to catching a yawn.

Previous studies have noted this same lack of empathy in children. on the autism spectrum (it’s No does mean, however, that autistic individuals are psychopaths, it only means that they are less likely to yawn).

And it wasn’t just the test subjects’ lack of yawning that the researchers tested.

They were also evaluated the ease with which they were frightened (psychopaths tend to lack fear). The less likely someone is to freak out, the less likely they are to yawn.

«Of course, this is not a diagnostic tool for psychopathy, but it’s an interesting connectionshowing how these personality traits affect various behaviors in unexpected wayssays professor and scientist Jennifer Golbeck.

So you can relax! Just because you didn’t yawn for the entire video doesn’t mean you’re going to start cooking human flesh like Hannibal Lecter.

It probably just means that you tend to get distracted, don’t often let your emotions get in the way of what you need to do, and can easily make difficult decisions.

However, it is still a very interesting study.