It is not by chance that the pinnacle of beauty in plants, flowers, have a reproductive function. Here the seeds are generated; with their shapes and colors they attract the polarizers who culminate this process.
Thus, its function is to attract; as small landscape gifts. When looking at a flower it is almost impossible not to think of a divine perfection within our reach. Flowers, in countless personal stories, are part of important chapters.
The place labioguide He has made a count of the strangest flowers, as rare as they are beautiful.
Candy Cane:
Its petals are funnel-shaped and are made up of 5 petals. Its origin is South African and they are called that way because of their red and white stripes (not very common in nature) they resemble the classic Christmas sweets. Their greatest curiosity is that when the sun opens them completely, their red lines degrade until they become white, then with the cold they resume their red lines.
2. Hakea Laurina
In addition to having an exquisite scent, delightful pink, and pin-shaped, it grows into a 20-foot-tall bush.
3. Flower Bat
Incredibly purple in color and almost indescribable in shape, it is native to the tropical jungles of Asi. Her whiskers make her look like an animal and can also change color to scare away flies.
4. Kentuckian Cypropediun
Its plant can be up to 70 m high, it is a kind of orchid and has a less common basket shape. Originally from the United States.
5. Beehive Ginger
Draw one of the strangest shapes; like a beehive, similar also to a rattle. Its name comes from Sanskrit which means «horn-shaped».
6. Chinese lantern
Its white flower, when pollinated, becomes this kind of colorful circle with a lantern in the center from which the previous white flowers are born again. Its origin is Japanese.
7. Hoya (porcelain flower)
It grows from a vine. Its flowers form an amazing circle. It is native to southern China.
8. Flower of the White Heron
It is perhaps the most delicate species of all existing ones. It is a species of orchid from Japan with a white shape that resembles a most elegant heron in flight.
9. Jade Flower
Similar to a hanging banana tree of an amazing turquoise blue color.
Its base seems to be an ethnic textile. Originally from the tropical areas of America, it is commonly used for its relaxing properties.
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