Are there twin dogs and cats?


Yes. As with us, humans, cats, dogs and other mammals can also be identical twins. “But it is very difficult to know when this occurs”, says veterinarian Gelson Genaro, from the University of São Paulo (USP) in Ribeirão Preto (SP). “Since puppies from the same litter tend to look very similar, it would be necessary to do a DNA test to prove if there are two that are twins.” For two of them to be identical twins, they must originate from the same egg. This egg, during the process of cell division, ends up forming two embryos with the same genetic material, generating identical offspring – it is the same process that gives rise to human twins. Despite the similarities with human pregnancy, female dogs and cats are much more “precocious”. Cats and bitches already have their first heat between the sixth and eighth month of life – afterwards, the cycle is repeated approximately every six months for bitches and in a slightly shorter period for queens. But the reproductive system of the pets will only be completely formed from the third heat, when they are 100% ready to be mothers (although they can already procreate in the first heat). Pregnancy in female dogs and cats is also much shorter than in humans: it lasts from 57 to 62 days for female dogs, and between 56 and 71 days for female cats.

puppy for dog
Fertilization of female dogs and cats is more “productive” than human fertilization


Generally, a woman releases only one egg each fertile period, and only one sperm wins the race to fertilize it. Nine months later, everyone knows what happens


Female dogs and cats release more than one oocyte (female reproductive cell of these animals) each fertile period – in women, this can happen, generating fraternal twins, but it is rare. This explains the birth of a bundle of kittens at once. And they might even be children of different fathers!


Just as happens when human twins are born, identical twins in cats and dogs are generated when an oocyte, fertilized by a spermatozoon, divides into two embryos, which share the genetic material

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