Are there secret messages in Da Vinci’s The Last Supper?


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To begin with, one of the most famous theories: Next to Jesus, there would be not John, but Mary Magdalene, who would be his wife and mother of his son (whose lineage would exist until today). The feminine features of the figure would denounce this. This theory was initially presented in the 1960s by the Frenchman Pierre Plantard and expanded in the book The Holy Grail and the Holy Bloodline1982. Recently, it gained fame for being used in the fiction work The Da Vinci Codeby Dan Brown


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Another point that draws attention is the absence of a chalice on the table. Only cups are represented. In Dan Brown’s theory, the chalice would be represented in the gap between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This gap would be shaped like a chalice or a womb, the sacred womb that would carry Christ’s offspring on Earth.


Still according to Plantard and The Holy Grail…, there would be a secret organization since the Middle Ages known as the Priory of Sion, whose main function would be to protect the lineage of Christ, initiated from his union with Mary Magdalene. The organization would count some of the brightest minds in history in its ranks. Among them would be Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci himself.


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The knife in Pedro’s hand is one of the most controversial points: after all, it seems completely out of frame when you look at the work’s composition. Javier Sierra, author of the book The Secret Supper, claims that this would be a direct criticism of Pope Alexander VI, political enemy of the Duke of Milan. In this view, Peter, who was the first pope, would hold the knife, representing Pope Alexander’s betrayal 6th against Catholic values


Pedro’s posture has yet another controversial point. His hand appears pointing to Jesus with the finger raised in a threatening way, which would indicate the desire to cut the throat of the apostle John or that of Mary Magdalene. The woman’s presence in the group would disturb the other followers of the Master, hence the threat. This hand could still be an attack on John, who was an apostle very close to Jesus.


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The face of the apostle Judas Thaddeus looks a lot like sketches da Vinci made of his own face in his life. Thus, the painter could be representing himself in the work. This theory can still be connected with that of astrology, since Leonardo was a Taurus sign. Thaddeus would represent precisely this sign, coming right after Aries


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One theory says that Da Vinci would have represented the 12 signs on the apostles. At the left end would be Bartholomew representing Pisces, the last sign, while at the right end would be Simon, representing Aries, the first. It is worth remembering that it was the tradition of the painter to write backwards, from right to left, just as the signs were represented in the work.

On the other hand…

There is no evidence to prove messages

The last supper it is one of da Vinci’s best-preserved works. Built in the refectory of a convent, it suffered infiltrations and its building was bombed in World War II. An anonymous alteration was made to the painting – a door that hides the feet of Christ. With so many restorations, some unsuccessful, it is difficult to know exactly what was created by Da Vinci

– There is no historical basis for the theories incited by Plantard and continued in the book The Holy Grail and the Holy Bloodline. The work is considered pseudohistorical and without any major evidence to support it. Furthermore, there is no indication in Da Vinci’s biography that he would have participated in this movement.

– There is no concrete proof that Jesus had children or that there was a secret society to protect this lineage, great theory proposed by Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code is actually a fiction book.

– As far as we know, the Priory of Sion was founded only in the 1950s and had a very different objective, to restore Catholic values ​​in French society

– It was common in the Renaissance for men to be painted with delicate strokes

– Da Vinci studied astronomy. But nothing indicates that he knew the 12 signs

CONSULTANCY Jorge Paulino, professor of art history at Faculdade Cásper Líbero / SOURCES Books Leonardo Astrologerby Pedro Tornaghi, and The Secret Supper, by Javier Sierra; Associates for Biblical Research, Catholic Education Resource Center, and O Globo websites

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