are the second cousins ​​| 👁

#RAEconsultas The children of cousins ​​are second cousins ​​to each other. This means that someone’s second cousin is the second cousin of their parents. And someone’s cousin’s child is a second cousin to that person’s children.

How much blood do you have between second cousins?

Average percentage of DNA shared between relatives

Difference between a first cousin and a second cousin

Perhaps the differences are now appreciated, but it is still good to point them out.

  • A first cousin is the son of his uncle, while a second cousin is, as now mentioned, the son of his mother’s first cousin.
  • First cousins ​​distribute grandparents, while second cousins ​​distribute great grandparents.
  • The parents of first cousins ​​are brothers; while the parents of second cousins ​​are cousins.

hereditary dangers

Another different case that should be studied in situations of pregnancy between first cousins ​​with health anomalies that have the possibility of being transmitted genetically to their children.

This situation is different from the previous one, since it assumes that there is a history of genetic pathology in the family and this can be transmitted to the baby through the blood of both parents.

Who are my second cousins?

Second cousins ​​have the exact same great-grandparents and are children of first cousins. In the situation of grandparents, grandchildren, uncles and nephews, the generation that is 2 generations away is indicated by grandfather or grandson, while those that are much further apart are indicated by great-grandfather or great-grandson.

Consanguinity: my partner and I want to have a child and we are second cousins, what test should we perform?

Are there dangers in having children between cousins?

Wendy Chung, a geneticist at Columbia College in New York, is involved in researching genetic health abnormalities and counseling families with these conditions.

He explained that as the fetus grows in the womb, the genes have the potential to change and cause disorders. Certain innate anomalies stop the development of some parts of the body, causing malformations such as cleft lip.