When dogs suffer from pain or health problems, they often show abnormal behavior.
These include the so-called Licky fits in dogsdenoting unusual leak behavior.
The following lines will tell you how you can recognize licky fits in dogs, what causes them and what treatments are available.
What are licky fits in dogs?
When vets talk about licky fits in dogs, what they mean is that the Fellnase shows a conspicuous licking behavior – and not just for yourself.
Licky fits involve licking everything within reach of the dog: carpets, walls, furniture, floors and more.
It doesn’t always stop at licking. Chewing and even eating objects can also be part of licky fits in dogs.
What Causes Licky Fits in Dogs?
The main causes of licky fits in dogs are stomach problems – more precisely: an acidic stomach.
It can be one of the symptoms of gastritis in dogs, i.e. inflammation of the stomach lining.
Problems in the small intestine can also be a sign of licky fits in dogs.
In addition, some medications can trigger licky fits in dogs, including cortisone and anti-inflammatory painkillers.
Recognizing licky fits in dogs
Licky fits in dogs are relatively easy to recognize – and then, when your dog begins to lick almost everything it feels like.
Not only objects are licked intensively, but also the dog’s snout.
You can also see that he swallows more. This is his attempt to get rid of the rising stomach acid and the associated heartburn.
The swallowing behavior is similar to a canine hiccup, but should not be confused with one.
Other signs you can use to identify a licky fit in a dog include:
- Strangle
- Smacking & salivating
- Panic/anxious restlessness
In addition to licking the snout and objects, dogs that have a licky fit may also begin to nibble and eat objects.
This, in turn, is associated with other possible problems – especially if the dog eats something that a) does not suit him and that b) can block his intestines.
Are Licky Fits Dangerous in Dogs?
Licky fits in dogs can be quite dangerousif the cause is not identified as soon as possible.
A Licky Fit does not have to automatically and immediately affect the dog’s life expectancy.
Nevertheless, further damage and consequences can occur due to the underlying health problems.
A quick clarification of the triggers by the veterinarian is therefore very important for licky fits in dogs.
Diagnosis & Treatment of Licky Fits in Dogs
Diagnosing licky fits in dogs is done among other things through ultrasound and blood tests. The treatment is mostly medicinal.
Do you have the impression that your dog’s condition is deteriorating, that he is in pain? Then don’t hesitate to take him to the vet immediately!
In addition to ultrasound and blood tests, fecal tests are also used to diagnose licky fits or the underlying disease.
A gastroscopy can also be part of the diagnostics for Licky Fits. This is the only way to find out the exact causes of the leaks.
In addition, you should let your vet know if your dog is currently being treated with medication – if he doesn’t already know.
It must be ruled out that the licky fit was due to a drug.
Inflammation of the gastric mucosa or chronic intestinal inflammation (IBD) can be treated with medication.
Which ones are the right ones always depends on the trigger or pathogen. Antibiotics are the first choice for bacterial infections.
Painkillers with an anti-inflammatory effect can also be part of the treatment therapy for licky fits – if they have not set the cause of the licky fits.
Licky Fits are just the symptoms, not the behavior that is being treated with medication. These are only ever used for the underlying disease.
How can you prevent licky fits in dogs?
You can do licky fits in dogs with one or the other Prevention with home remedies as well as with the right food.
Now let’s take a look at how exactly that can look like.
home remedies
Home remedies that are said to be effective in preventing licky fits are flaxseed and psyllium husks.
They are said to help with heartburn in dogs by naturally reducing the amount of stomach acid.
Cat grass or normal grass can also be used as a home remedy for Licky Fit. In a way, it acts like a stomach and intestinal cleansing.
You can also find other home remedies that can prevent stomach problems or help with gastric mucosal inflammation here:
Dogs Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis): 7 home remedies.
The wrong food – usually due to the wrong composition for your dog – can lead to gastrointestinal problems and thus to licky fits.
So, slowly changing your dog’s diet can mean that gastrointestinal problems are reduced.
This also reduces the likelihood that your dog will suffer from licky fits in the future.
Has your dog had licky fits yet? What was the trigger, what helped? We’d love for you to share your story with us in the comments.