Are Kukulkán and Quetzalcoatl the same?

In the Mayan culture There is an important variety of deities, but Kukulkánit is definitely the most important God of mythology, so that in Yucatan continues to belong to oral tradition and culture in general.

Chichén Itzá It was one of the main Mayan cities, so the central pyramid is dedicated to Kukulkánit is even called Kukulkán Castle And it was built to worship him, so it is so that every year you can see how the stairs go down thanks to the astronomical and architectural calculation.

This statue of Chac Mool is in front of the pyramid of Chichen Itzá.VW PICS / Getty Images.

What is Kukulkán?

The name of this deity is made up of two words: Kukul and khanand mean Quetzal or renewal And it has a feathered snake shape, which means it is A snake that raises the beginning of life and, therefore, from the end of it.

In fact, Kukulkán It was an adaptation of another God, since the Toltecs of Tula arrived in Yucatan with the desire to colonize the inhabitants, that is, to the Maya. In this way, they adopted soon The feathered snake giving it as much as possible, and therefore, according to anthropological documents, Kukulkán It is an almost literal translation of QuetzalcoatlAztec God.

This comparison is usually one of the main dispute reasons, because for some Kukulkán It is a Mayan version of Quetzalcoatlwhile for others they only have matching similarities and are completely different gods.

In Kukulkán Castle you can see Jaguar and Eagles heads.VW PICS / Getty Images

What is the difference between Kukulkán and Quetzalcoatl?

History says that Maya They had laid the foundations of their civilization before the Aztecs And therefore, they already worshiped a God related to snakes and feathers. They talked about a deity that sailed through the sea And he could become a human. Many years later, the Aztecs had an identical story, but about the god Quetzalcoatl.