Are exercise girdles good? find out here

Many celebrities appear using them. Learn in this note if exercise girdles are good or not, and how to use them correctly.

It is already commonplace to see celebrities like the Kardashians training and exercising with girdles around their waists, and as if nothing! Is this healthy? And if it doesn’t hurt, how to do it correctly?

Can I wear a girdle when I exercise?

Exercising with a girdle

The portal fashion timesspecialist in fitness trends, indicates that it is good to wear a girdle to exercise, but not in any way nor with any girdle. They shared personal trainer Bianca Jade’s tips on how to wear shapewear and ‘waist trainers’ while working out.

  • Not just any girdle is good for exercising: Ask for a ‘waist trainer’, which should be comfortable and made of materials that allow sweating.
  • The purpose of training with this garment should be to sweat more and support your back, It should not hurt you or suffocate you from lack of air.

Can you exercise and train your legs wearing a girdle?

“In this exercise, the ‘waist trainer’ prevents you from arching your back and stimulates heat during a more intense workout. Lie on your back keeping your back and hips in contact with the floor; lift your legs up to a 90-degree angle with the floor. Do 4 series of 15”, the expert explained to said medium.

Can I do cardio if I’m wearing a girdle?

“Yes, if you wear a girdle with the characteristics indicated above. You can ride a bike, treadmill, stair climber, elliptical, or just go for a run. A ‘waist trainer’ will help you sweat even more,” said the trainer.

Can I do squats or squats if I am wearing a girdle?

“A ‘waist trainer’ will help you maintain proper posture during this exercise to strengthen your thighs; lower your butt as close to the ground as possible while keeping your feet (without leaving the ground) parallel to the width of the shoulders, «said Jade.

What girdle is good for exercising?

You should make sure that the girdle is one of those that are adjusted with easy-to-manipulate materials such as Velcro, instead of uncomfortable hooks or clips.

What do you think? If you have friends who wear girdles, share this note with themwill thank you very much!