Arcturians: the aliens that may have influenced Spiritism

(Gustavo Rodrigues/)

SUGGESTION Iury Lima, Rolim de Moura, RO

According to ufologists, the Arcturians they would be an ancient race, highly evolved scientifically and spiritually. To give you an idea, their technology would be 3,000 years ahead of ours. They inhabit Arcturus, the brightest star in the constellation of the Boieiro (or Shepherd), which lies 33 light years away of our solar system and is 30 times larger than our Sun.

In their evolution, the Arcturians would have transcended the physical body. But, on certain occasions, they can take on human form, with a head, torso and limbs. The height varies from 1 to almost 3 m. The head would be large, with big eyes and small mouth. The body would be slender, with regular contours. For some ufologists, the skin is blue-green. For others, it is white, almost white.

Among other feats, they would be able to communicate through the mind (telepathy), predict the future (clairvoyance) and move objects (telekinesis). Its spacecraft, among the most modern in the entire Universe, would be invisible – and, according to British studies, the real responsible for the famous circles found in England’s plantations, called crop circles.

Still according to ufologists, these creatures do not get sick or feel pain, and live, on average, 500 years. On Arcturus, there is no war, famine, money or suffering. very wise elders govern society and choose couples who can have children. A rigorous process of selection of candidates would be the guarantee to generate evolved babies.

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They believe in a superior force, the “creating source”, and they have the mission to help other races (including the human) to evolve spiritually. They see us as “little brothers”, of those very troublemakers, who have a lot to learn. You Arcturians they would also secretly protect us from alien invasions.

The conspiracy theory even claims that there are inhabitants of Arcturus among us. Through «wormholes», they manage to come to Earth and reincarnate as earthlings, to impart knowledge and fulfill tasks. Some examples would be Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla, among other geniuses of mankind.

American Edgar Cayce was the first psychic to supposedly communicate with the Arcturiansin 1910. In Brazil, Chico Xavier I used to say that, between 2019 and 2057, the chances of making contact with them would be great. «These beings will bring great medical, technological and scientific advances never before imagined», would have declared the medium.


Conspiracy theory appeals to the most contestable aspects of ufology and spiritism

  • To date, no space probe or sweep with state-of-the-art telescopes (such as the Seti project) has obtained evidence of life outside our planet. “There is no scientific proof of the existence of this or any other alien race”, says astronomer Márcio Borges Fernandes
  • The closest star to the solar system, Proxima Centauri, is 4.22 light-years away, which is equivalent to almost 40 trillion kilometers. Now, imagine Arcturus, which is 33 light years away! It certainly makes it unlikely that they will make «frequent visits» to Earth.
  • Arcturus is a red giant star, which would make it difficult for life to exist there, let alone its evolution over millennia. To give you an idea, when the Sun becomes a red giant, a few billion years from now, life on Earth will be rapidly destroyed by the increase in its luminosity.
  • There is no scientific evidence to prove that Da Vinci or Tesla are infiltrated. Although they were great geniuses, their intellectual capacity is within the potential expected for humans.
  • “Not every ufologist believes in the existence of this race. We cannot say that the beings with whom Chico Xavier communicated were Arcturians. There are plenty of theories and lack of evidence”, explains orufologist Thiago Luiz Ticchetti
  • If the Arcturians are so advanced and have been helping humanity for centuries, why do we still not have a cure for certain diseases, for example
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