Architecture: Everything you should know about this discipline

Luis Barragán

One of the precursors of modern architecture, Luis Barragán is the only Mexican who has received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1980. Thanks to his minimalist style, some of his most important works are the convent of the sacramented capuchins in Tlalpan, the satellite towers and the equestrian development of the San Cristóbal clubs.

Juan Sordo Madaleno

Apprentice from Luis Barragán, Ricardo Legorreta and José Villagrán García, this architect is the author of works such as the Anahuac Tower, the María Isabel Hotel, the Palace of Justice, Plaza Universidad and Hotel President Intercontinental.

Ricardo Legorreta

Ricardo Legorreta's works are characterized by the balance between traditional and contemporary architecture. The management of the proportions, radiant colors and the monumental character of its buildings are shown at the Camino Real de la CDMX Hotel, the Palote-Museo of the Child and the National Center of the Arts.

José Villagrán García

Creator of several theories of modernist architecture, he was the author of great works such as the National Stadium of Mexico City. The National Institute of Cardiology, the trail of Mexico City and the Museum and Higher Institute of Art in Ciudad University, are some of its buildings.

Pedro Ramírez Vázquez

President of the National College of Architects and President of the Organizing Committee of the 1968 Olympic Games, this architect is the author of the National Museum of Anthropology, the Azteca Stadium, the new Basilica of Guadalupe and the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro.

Juan O'Gorman

Or 'Gorman introduced functionalist architecture in Mexico, being one of its most outstanding works the study house Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and the Anahuacalli Museum. In addition, he participated in the realization of the Central Library of the University City.

Mario Pani

Mario Pani was promoter of functionalist architecture and his works have an international style. He was the author of the Tlatelolco Housing Unit, University City and its Rectory Tower, the National Conservatory of Music and the Plaza Hotel on Paseo de la Reforma.

Urbanism is a complementary discipline to architecture, since it takes into account the structure of the cities.

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Architecture and urbanism

There is a close relationship between architecture and urbanism, Being complementary disciplines. While architecture refers to the art and technique of projecting and building buildings to meet the needs of the human being, urbanism is defined as the study of the planning and management of cities and territory.

Since urban planning covers all the elements of a city such as the streets, green areas and the urban environment in general, a good architecture project must previously do an urban planning study so that the new buildings revalue the place where they will be built. In this way, it is not only possible to have aesthetically beautiful cities, but improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.