Architectural movements that you must know

– It is also defined as neo -eclectic where the reference and the ornament They have returned to the facade, replacing modern styles without ornaments.

– With this movement, the architectural form is no longer defined only by its functional or minimal appearance requirements.

– Postmodern architecture had boom in America and Europe, with works such as the New Stuttgart state gallery By James Stirling and the Twin towers By minoru yamasaki.

Robert Venturi He was at the forefront of this movement with his book Complexity and contradiction in architecturepublished in 1966.

Deconstructivism through the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.Jesús Esteban San José / Pexels.


– This architectural movement is a current inaugurated in the 1980s, which is characterized by fragmentation, the non -linear design process and the manipulation of structures.

– It is based on the theoretical-literary movement of deconstruction and in the Russian constructivism of 1920 where, in addition, it takes its name.

– This style that has endured until today has been explored by Frank Gehry, Rem Koolhaas, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, inter alia.

– The visual appearance of the buildings of this style is characterized by a controlled chaos.

– He Bilbao Guggenheim MuseumSpain, from Frank Gehryis one of the most spectacular buildings of deconstructivism.

The National Center for Art and Culture Georges Pompidou as brutalist architecture.Kenrick Baksh / Pexels.


– He Brutalism It arose from Modern movement and that had its boom between the 1950s and 1970s.

– In its principles I was inspired by the work of Le Corbusier and Eero Saarinen.

– The term has its origin in the French term Béton Brut or raw concretea term used by Le Corbusier to describe his choice of materials.

– Architecture critic Reyner Banham adapted the term and renamed it as Brutalism (Brutalismin English), a term that identified the emerging style.

– Some emblem constructions are the Geisel Library In San Diego for William Pereira and the National Center for Art and Culture Georges Pompidou In Paris by Renzo piano.