Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer (how to invoke an archangel)

Archangel Raphael, prayer invocation We received several requests on our social networks to know cHow to invoke an archangel and specifically how invocation to the Archangel Raphael.

In that sense, we are going to give answers to these concerns below.


General features

The archangels are also known as the ruling angels, because they have the responsibility to carry out the will of God. The term «archangels» appears twice in the New Testament, and in the Book of Revelations they are referred to as the «seven who stand before God.»

Unlike our guardian angels who are in charge of protecting and guiding each one of us specifically, the archangels have the duty to fulfill the will of God.

To do this, the archangels must control and harmonize everything in Creation. Archangels also record all information in the universe in the Akashic Records.

They direct our guardian angels to make sure that we are on the right path in our spiritual and material lives. Archangels operate on many planes at once.

Although they are celestial beings who live in the angelic realm, you can be sure that they are always close by and can help us in various ways.

Archangels are large, imposing beings that can strike fear when we first encounter them. Their prodigious size and loud voices can be surprising. Throughout the Bible, whenever someone encounters an Archangel, they are always told to «fear not.»

This applies to us today, as archangels are loving and compassionate beings who seek to help us reach our full potential. Let’s see, then, Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer


I pray

Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer (Explanation)

Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of healing: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. There are many reasons why you may need Raphael’s power.

If a wound or wounds put you in danger, you can call him for pain relief and to help stop the bleeding. It could be that your own thoughts are betraying you. Similarly, it could be that you feel that your spirituality has been damaged.


Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer (Short version)

So, let’s see some examples of invoking the Archangel for Raphael:

Rafael, I invoke your power to relieve pain (caused by illness) so I can continue working and support my family!

Archangel Raphael, I seek your light so that you can guide me back to my true path.


Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer (Long version)

Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, heavenly messenger destined by God to be our guide on the pilgrimage of this life, to defend us from the snares of the devil and to heal the diseases of our soul and body. We invoke your powerful intercession, certain that you will obtain for us and our families those singular graces that you dispensed in the holy house of Tobias.

You know well, pious Archangel, that our journey from time to eternity is surrounded by dangers, and that the devil, like a roaring lion, persecutes us to cause deep wounds in our souls, until erasing from them, if possible, the light savior of faith He comes, then, to our aid and deigns to be our inseparable companion.

Direct our steps along the path of the divine commandments, making our eyes always open to the sun of truth; look for the most effective remedies to cure and fill our spirit with fervour. Teach us, oh mighty archangel, to defeat Satan with the powerful weapons of prayer, vigilance and the mortification of our senses.

Consolidate in our families the reign of faith, the constant practice of piety, the spirit of union and the exercise of holy charity in favor of the poor and our beloved deceased, so that they may receive from heaven the abundant blessings that, for your mediation, God poured out on the home of Tobias.

Do not abandon us then, oh Holy Archangel! Always watch over us so that our steps are sustained by you, every time we feel faint on the painful and difficult path of life. Our Lord, Almighty God, who is in heaven, and who is also you, has entrusted us with your tender request to be our guide in this exile, our counselor in doubt and our doctor in illness.

You crown your work as a faithful friend and safe guide, accompanying our souls until we leave them in the arms of their creator to love and bless him with you forever. So be it.

Blessed and adored be the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and the Most Pure and Immaculate Conception of the Most Holy Mary, Our Lady, conceived without stain of original sin from the first instant of her natural being. Amen.

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Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer (daily)

Oh glorious Archangel Raphael, who are present before the throne of the Most High. I, your unworthy devotee, humble myself before you.

Knowing on the one hand my unworthiness, and on the other your ardent charity, I beg you from the depths of my heart, that you deign to listen to my humble pleas and present them before the Lord to obtain through your mediation the favors I ask for in this novena.

But if my supplication does not contribute to the greater glory of God and the salvation of my soul, I beg you, O my heavenly protector, to show me the grace that will lead me more surely to eternal salvation. Do not look so much at my desires as the good of my soul.

Full of complete trust in you, I hope to obtain what I ask for through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Ask for the desired thanks.

O Glorious Archangel Raphael, remember his devotees everywhere and always pray for us to the Son of God.
(Pray the Glory be to the Father nine times, in honor of the nine angelic choirs).

Do you want to know more about Archangel Raphael, invocation prayer? You can confidently ask your question and send it to our email for a prompt response.


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