Arachnophobia: How to overcome the fear of spiders? – Online Psychologists

The arachnophobia It is the most common phobia in today's society. Spiders arouse deep fear, disgust and discomfort among a large part of the population. And you, are you one of those people who suffer from fear of spiders?

What is arachnophobia?

Arachnophobia is defined as the phobia, repulsion and irrational fear that some people develop because of spiders.

According to National Geographic, there are approximately 1,000 known in the world. 45,000 species Spiders. They come in all kinds, colors and sizes. Today, the largest spider on Earth measures 30 centimeters. In prehistoric times, these creatures could have been almost twice as big, around 50 centimeters.

Have eight legsand some eight eyes. However, they are not characterized by having good vision. Their body is protected by a shield, the exoskeletonwhich is divided into two: the opisthosoma (abdomen) and prosoma (cephalothorax).

As BioEncyclopedia points out, “the cephalothorax contains the chelicerae (mouthparts) and pedipalps (similar to legs but not supported on the ground) and four pairs of legs. Also the eyes and jaw.” While “the opisthosoma contains the silk-producing glands that open to the outside by means of rows. Also the respiratory cavities and genital pores.”

This arthropod lives everywhere in the world, except Antarctica. It can survive in different ecosystems and climates, for example, from a mountain, bush, desert or jungle to a city, underground or in the corner of your room, and from a desert climate to a continental one.

These «solitary animals, predators of small insects» use different hunting techniques, for example, the cobwebs. Spiders produce silk to build their webs. Some species have venom that in small quantities is capable of killing a human being.

The reality is that today spiders do not pose a serious threat for the population as they did in the past.

According to Joshua New, leader of the project carried out by Columbia University in New York: «A black widow bite in the ancestral world could leave a man incapacitated for days or weeks, during which time he would be exposed to numerous dangers.»

Currently, approximately 200 species out of the 45,000 that exist could cause problems medical for the healthy adult population. It is estimated that this arthropod kills around 50 people a year, and is ranked behind others such as mosquitoes, snakes, dogs, crocodiles and jellyfish. Thousands of years ago, humans were at risk from poisonous spiders.

The phobia that most people suffer from in the world is arachnophobia. Paulina Rubio, Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, and Rupert Grint are some of the many celebrities who have publicly admitted to having arachnophobia. The actor who played Ronald Weasley in Harry Potter said: “I have arachnophobia and it really affects my life. I check my shoes, sheets, and pillows. Spiders have always held me back.”

Some curiosities about spiders

  • The silk they make is very resistant. Although they look like fragile threads, this silk is the strongest natural fibrous material in existence. Considering the same proportions, it is stronger than some metals such as steel.
  • This silk is liquid. This material is liquid, but when it comes into contact with air it becomes solid and forms spider webs as we know them.
  • His blood is blue. This is because it has a molecule related to copper, which gives blood a blue hue. In humans, this molecule is associated with iron, which is why it is reddish.
  • The females have a good appetite. Some species eat the male during or after copulation.
  • The majority They live for about a year. However, there are species that live less than half a year, others four, eight, or ten years. There are others, such as tarantulas, that can live for over 20 years.
  • Depending on the species and the climate, a spider spends 1 to 16 weeks incubating their eggs.
  • In some countries in Africa, Asia, Central or South America, are part of the diet of people.
  • For the Lakota, Native American Indians, this animal symbolizes good luck.
  • Spiders expel the poison through the chelicerae, mouthparts located in the cephalothorax.

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Therapy offers effective tools to overcome this irrational fear, allowing people to regain their freedom and confidence in environments where spiders may unexpectedly be encountered, leading to a fuller life less conditioned by fear.

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What are the causes of arachnophobia?

According to the study carried out by scientists at Columbia University (mentioned previously), «the key to this fear and horror is a product of human evolution.»

  • Hereditary causes. Learning from family or friends. This fear reaction to spiders is enhanced by conditioning (automatic, non-voluntary responses and behaviors).
  • Seligman's preparation theory. This theory devised by the American psychologist Martin Seligman in 1971 argues that humans are biologically conditioned to learn and relate fear to external stimuli that have posed a threat to the human species throughout its evolution.
  • Biological criterion. Some neurons such as norepinephrine and serotonin regulate the level of fear and, in some situations like this, can cause extreme reactions.
  • The appearance of the animal. Another option is the image that this living being has before the human eye. Sometimes a hairy animal, with a dull color, legs that make you cringe and that move quickly in any direction, which produces a feeling of stress and restlessness.


  • Anxiety.
  • Panic.
  • Sweating.
  • Shivers.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Fear.
  • Screams and cries.
  • Chest pain.

How to overcome arachnophobia?

Face the situation, take control of the situation, even if it is little by little, the important thing is the final objective. You will learn to manage your emotions when facing this living being.

Another important step is to educate yourself about spiders, get to know them better even if you find them unpleasant, and look at some photos. When you feel ready, approach small spiders, and so on until even the largest ones no longer produce any of the symptoms mentioned above.

Help from a psychologist

The psychologist can be key to helping you overcome this phobia. Some of the treatments that apply in these cases are the following:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy. «Individuals carry out behaviors according to an internalized mental pattern learned over the course of our history and our personal experience and background.» This therapy helps the patient to modify his or her thoughts and actions.
  • Exposure therapy. The patient is gradually exposed to stimuli related to contact with spiders. At first, the idea is to look at photographs, then move on to seeing real spider webs, and then to seeing the animal itself up close.
  • Relaxation techniques. They will help you breathe deeply, clear your mind and release the tension generated by the phobic reaction. They will also serve as preparation for facing the situation.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation technique. It is a technique that helps reduce the level of anxiety that a person with arachnophobia may suffer when facing their fear.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP). Using this intuitive behavior to transform fear into a calm and relaxed behavior when faced with spiders.
  • Medication. Medical specialists sometimes prescribe anxiolytics such as benzodiazepines to control anxiety levels in arachnophobics who are undergoing exposure therapy, for example.
  • Virtual reality. With the help of technology, virtual reality represents spiders to patients, so that they lose their fear.

If you suffer from arachnophobia and need help, since this fear conditions you, limits you, and prevents you from living normally, at you will find the professional who will help you overcome this phobia.

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