Bacteria, foreign bodies, chronic diseases – there are many different reasons why your dog can suddenly have an infection.
You probably want your four-legged friend to get better quickly.
if you think which home remedies for your dog as an anti-inflammatory can be used, this article will help you further.
Anti-inflammatories for dogs – 8 home remedies that help
If you are looking for anti-inflammatory home remedies for your dog, you can help him with ginger, coconut oil or cool compresses.
Fish oil and devil’s claw are also proven home remedies for inflamed joints.
Nettle or chamomile teas are also effective depending on the type of inflammation.
The yellow root of ginger is a popular home remedy that can also be used in your dog as an anti-inflammatory due to the pungent substances it contains.
Ginger has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect and can be used in a variety of ways.
You can mix the ginger fresh or as a powder with your dog’s food, prepare a tea or make a paste out of it.
You can use the paste if your dog has joint inflammation. The affected area is rubbed with it.
devil’s claw
Devil’s claw is also said to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.
It is often used especially in dogs that suffer from age-related arthrosis diseases.
You can give your dog devil’s claw as a powder or capsule under their food.
Note that the effect requires long-term use. Therefore, you will only notice an effect after a few weeks.
If you have a garden, chances are you’ll find nettles there as well. Often misunderstood as a weed, you should not underestimate the nutrient-rich herb.
Especially when you are looking for a home remedy as an anti-inflammatory for your dog, the stinging nettle comes into focus.
With its diuretic effect, the herb stimulates the kidneys to work. This means that more metabolic waste products are removed from the body.
In this way, inflammation can be inhibited and the immune system strengthened.
If your dog has contracted conjunctivitis, you can give him some relief with cool compresses.
Cool compresses with aloe vera gel have also proven to be a household remedy for many dog owners.
coconut oil
Coconut oil has an antibacterial effect and is used to reduce inflammation. You can rub it externally on your dog on an inflamed area or mix it in small amounts with their food.
Coconut oil is also considered a natural pain reliever.
If your dog is allergic to many substances, you should only use the oil in small quantities at first. This way you avoid major allergic reactions.
fish oil
If your dog suffers from joint inflammation, fish oil promises relief.
Because the Omega-3 fatty acids in this oil can have an anti-inflammatory effect on your dog as a home remedy and alleviate the symptoms.
The oil is purchased in bottles or capsules and mixed into your dog’s food.
If your dog is not allergic to any of the ingredients, you can help him with Traumeel.
It contains medicinal plants such as arnica, comfrey, calendula, echinacea and witch hazel. You should only apply the ointment externally and on closed skin.
Traumeel has an anti-inflammatory effect and will provide relief for your dog with osteoarthritis or bursitis.
Chamomile not only has a beneficial effect on stomach problems. You can also use the tea made from the herb to treat your dog’s ear infections.
To do this, put a few drops of the tea made from fresh chamomile on a lint-free cloth and gently clean the ear with it.
Chamomile has a calming effect. In addition, the earwax is dissolved better.
Discuss the use of home remedies with your veterinarian. This is the best way to support your dog’s treatment.
Home remedies don’t help – what else can I do if my dog has an infection?
If your dog has an infection that doesn’t improve with home remedies, you should consult your veterinarian for advice.
Home remedies give your dog relief from symptoms, but they do not replace a veterinary examination and medication.
In addition, inflammation in your dog can have various causes and indicate other health problems.
Depending on the cause of the inflammation, your dog may need additional medication.
If the infection was caused by bacteria, antibiotics may be given.
In addition, incorrect use of home remedies can also harm your dog.
When should I go to the vet?
If your dog has an inflamed area that hurts, you should have it checked out by a veterinarian.
You can initially observe small inflammations after harmless injuries or insect bites. These often subside quickly on their own after cleaning.
If the inflammation has been going on for a few days or is getting worse, seek medical advice.
The vet will also show you the possible treatments for joint problems caused by inflammation.
If left untreated, the inflammation can spread further and cause health problems for your dog.
Do you have questions about using home remedies for dogs? Then let us know in the comments.