master chef It is a program that many are aware of and not necessarily because they are interested in learning to cook, but because the participants of the program take the eyes with the show they do.
In the last chapter of Masterchef everything happened, again Estefania gave something to talk about. A pig’s head, lamb and beef were the ingredients that the chefs gave to the participants, to carry out a test. The requirements were that the test had to be done in pairs and only one could cook while the other followed instructions.
Maria José Martínez, who won the mystery box challenge, was in charge of forming the teams. The teams were formed and the couple who stole the show that night at Masterchef was Estefanía Borge and Carlos Hurtado. For 60 minutes the men cooked under the orders of the women and without being able to speak.
From the beginning, Estefanía warned Carlos that he should only do what she told him and follow her instructions to the letter. At the end of all they were the losers of the test to which Estefanía did not react in the best way. After the delivery of the apron Carlos said: «Ashamed with the teacher, what a pity», to which Claudia Bahamón replied: «Those things happen, don’t they Estefi?», but Borge expressed:
«I don’t agree with you Clau, yes you must feel bad, everything was perfect, good flavor, good point of the meat and there is no right that at this point you try the rice five times and the teacher does not pass it to you».
You’ve seen the video, girls. You can comment at the end of the note.
also vibrates with: The fight between Claudia Bahamón and Estefanía Borge in MasterChef
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Information from: Metro.