Angelic Numerology to contact them

What does the energy of each number in the vibrational frequency mean? This is angelic numerology, another way to contact the angels and archangels.

Definitely, our life is closely linked to the beings of light that provide their guidance to our lives. These teachers can appear giving messages at any time and even meditation with the angels would be a very special tool to communicate with them from the comfort of your home. In addition, there is another formula to know the messages of the angels and it is through the numbers.

Surely you have heard or seen on the Internet something about angel numbers, but Do you know what it is and what it is for in your life?

This is angel numerology

With angel numerology you can receive messages from your angels with isolated numbers or sequences of them, you just have to understand their language.

There is a meaning of mirror hours according to angel numbers. We refer to repeating digits, like 11/11 or 3:33, and each digit means something different.

angel numerology

For example, the number 4 means that the angels accompany you on your journey to be worthy of abundance; the 7th that these beings open doors of opportunities for you with good results, etc.

In fact, 777 in the spiritual is also a number that represents the fortune, peace and strength that living beings have but that is supported by the angels.

That is why we ask the Angelic-inspired coach Carolina Zamudiofrom the podcast talking to angelswho will explain how to contact these beings of light using this technique.

Do you believe in angels and their power to influence your life? Write what you think in the comments, and share this note on your social networks!

With information from: PiaPodcast