Angel of those born between November 28 and December 2

Archangel Daniel is known as the archangel of marriage or the archangel of universal love. He is a healing angel and guardian angel who brings love, strength and serenity. He is one of the highest ranking archangels in the universe.

The Angel Daniel helps to obtain God’s mercy, forgiveness of offenses and sins. He gives us consolation and favors justice and those who dedicate themselves to religious life. He is a source of inspiration for noble causes and the practice of faith. He is associated with confession.

In his figure he is represented with a scepter in his hand, a symbol of balance and the administration of justice, in the other hand he carries a lamp that contains the colors of the rainbow, which symbolizes divine light.

Characteristics of the protected

Those born under the influence of the Angel Daniel are characterized by being workers and will dedicate themselves with love to their activities. They are serene, calm people who will know how to stay calm in difficult times. They are also affable, sensitive and intuitive beings. They will take their time before deciding because they need to choose the best decision, impartial and fair.

They are people who will take responsibility for their mistakes and will know how to fix them when necessary. Tolerant and diverse, they will accept differences, but not injustices, this also applies to arbitrary criticism they may receive. They will have clarity to present their ideas, in debates or conversations, their intuition will give them many answers. They will have strong health, protected by their angel.

These individuals will be good motivators, they will want to understand the problems in order to solve them. In the family they will be very affectionate with the children and the home will be the environment that will provide them with strength and balance to develop in the world.

They are lovers of their work, and could do very well in business, foreign trade or multinational activities. With great capacity for speech, they could dedicate themselves to politics or artistic careers where they bring out their histrionic gifts. Also as lawyers they could exercise their eloquence and benefit from the influence of the Angel in judicial matters.


How does it help us?

  • He is known as the angel of confessions and mercy.
  • He is invoked to be consoled and to obtain divine compassion.
  • Give us a remedy for all ills, revive in us new hopes and joy of living, see the way when we are undecided.
  • For lawyers, it is essential for the quality of its benefits in judicial matters.
  • This Angel confers eloquence and high power of conviction, but speaking with elegance and beauty.
  • It gives us the energy and motivation to fully achieve our goal, a goal that we understand we truly need.
  • The influence of his angel helps us to differentiate the possible from the impossible.
  • It gives us the ability to decide, inspiration so that indecisive people can be determined.

psalm to invoke him

To invoke his strength and power, first pray the chosen psalm or psalms, then call him by name and finally make the specific request you want to make.

“The Lord is good to all; And mercy from him over all his works.”


DANIEL: The sign of Mercy, the Angel of Confessions. The Eternal is

merciful and compassionate, slow in anger and rich in goodness

DANIEL, breathe into me, Lord, the virtue of rejuvenating beings and

stuff; Make it possible for him to reveal his dormant potential to others and that I represent for

all the birth of a new illusion.

That thanks to me they discover the freshness and the grace of the eternal that lies in the stone;

And let the withering effect of moral resources be revealed to them at the same time

to change seemingly hopeless situations.

May you, Lord, be the one who brings humans out of their indecision; the one who

discover perspectives, which makes them confident in your justice after they have

confessed, before themselves, their mistakes.

Allow, Lord, that they find in me consolation after a hard stage of adversity and


DANIEL exhorts:

The Eternal has reserved this space for me to help those who, when everything seems

lost, they lift their imploring gaze to me.

I am the Angel of Mercy, the one who injects the divine essence into natures

that have exhausted their ability to empower themselves.

And I have given you authority to exercise that privilege before your fellow men.

Thanks to your action, from its exhaustion new forces must be born, and from its peace new

combat wishes.

And when the pilgrims stop, to enjoy a splendid privilege, I want

May they discover new horizons in you and inspire them with the desire to get going.

In you and for you they must discover the contradictions that things contain.

Show them the white that is in the black, the red that lives hidden in the yellow

and like everything in the universe changes light, color, identity, with the passage of time

weather. I want them to discover in you the permanent mutation of everything created.