Angel Number 838: Meaning and Symbolism

Have you seen the number 838 appear in your life, almost anywhere? Say, on TV, on your cell phone, and even in your emails? Well, don’t be surprised. It is not a coincidence, but a well choreographed message from the angels. Angel number 838 is a message from the divine realm. This message could be from your guardian angels or from a host of other angels who act as messengers in the spirit realm.

The angels want you to know that you have their love and support. They send you this message to affirm that your life is on the right track. As you move forward, the angels assure you of their spirit guidance. As such, you can move forward with your efforts with confidence.

Angel number 838 is special in several ways. For example, figure 8 appears twice. This implies his enormous influence and power in your life.

Number 8 has a special connection with karma. Karma is the universal law of causality. As such, you are able to work on your spiritual journey with a clear understanding of cause and effect.

What is the meaning of angel number 838?

When angel number 838 appears in your life, you are encouraged to increase your self-confidence. The angels want you to believe in your own power. You have enough power to realize all your dreams.

Of course, this may not be very obvious to you. However, you will fully appreciate it once you recognize the meaning of number 838 in your life.

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Don’t listen to the naysayers in your life. These do not count for much in the journey to achieve your goals. Instead, choose to surround yourself with positivity. This is what you need to boost your morale. Shut out all the other voices trying to convince you that you are not good enough.

The angels want you to understand that these voices are agents of deception and falsehood. They are bent on destroying your destiny. Angel number 838 in your life makes you understand that everything you do has consequences. Your desires, thoughts, actions and inactions have a certain result. Karma rules the world. What goes there, comes back. What you put out there always comes back.

With this kind of guidance from angel number 838, you can never go wrong. If you listen to this message, you are bound to reap creativity, courage, spontaneity, and growth. Also, seeing this number constantly means that you are in the good books of the Ascended Masters.

The Ascended Masters are the prophets, healers and great teachers who once lived a human life. They now occupy the spiritual realm where they are no longer limited by human frailties.

This means that they have the power to guide you, protect you, heal you and serve you. This is more true if you enjoy a special connection with them. They will guide you to grow in all aspects of your life.

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Angel number 838 guides you on the path of abundance and success.. But, to get there, you have to be willing to put in all your effort.

Don’t lose focus on your goals. From time to time, you will encounter difficulties and setbacks. Don’t let this get you down. Rather, use each adversity as a stepping stone to your next level of growth.

What does 838 mean in love?

Seeing this number regularly reminds you to be sensitive to your partner’s needs. Granted, there is a lot going on in your life. However, this shouldn’t stop you from creating that special connection with your loved one.

The angels use this number to remind you that you often have to step away from your busy schedule to attend to the needs of your partner.

When you hear the message from the angels, you will understand that it is wrong to wait for your partner to start complaining before acting. Rather, the core of the message is that you have to be proactive.

Learn to manage your schedules so that you have enough time to be with your loved one. In other words, this number appears in your life to remind you to be more considered. Listen to what your partner has to say.

Do you have a concern that requires their intervention? Sometimes those concerns go unexpressed. However, if you have your partner’s best interests in mind, they will respond appropriately to their needs.

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What is the symbolism of angel number 838?

Are you the type of person who puts their work above everything else? So, number 838 is a special message from the angels that you need to change. This is the wrong approach to life.

Listen to this message and heed his advice. You can reap many benefits by doing so.

Why do you have to change your attitude and approach to life? For starters, your personal relationships are important. Spending too much time at work means that you will stifle this aspect of your life.

We’re not saying you shouldn’t work. Work is important, as it is the vehicle through which you will achieve most of your goals. But, work is not everything. You need to balance your time in such a way that you have fun with your loved ones.

Create time to get your family and friends involved in sports and other fun activities. Join them on vacation. Build bonds that last. Also, you need to prioritize your health. The message from the angels is that you need to consider your life above anything else.

Yes, working to earn money is good. But what good is it if your health falls apart in the process of making money? Therefore, do your best to create a healthy lifestyle. This means setting aside enough time for exercise and healthy living. Take up some hobbies that will improve this. This is a key message from angel number 838 in your life.

What is the importance of angel number 838 in my life?

This number appears in your life as a reminder that little things do matter. Therefore, do not take the little things in your life for granted. However, this does not mean that you should let small worries take up all your time.

Remember to stay focused on your goals. Always keep the big picture in mind. Never underestimate your ability to make the right decisions.

One of the greatest gifts that you receive through this number is the power of sacrifice. Nobody is perfect. Every individual has his weaknesses.

Once you understand this, you will know when you need to stand your ground and when you need to give in. You will be surprised how the simple act of sacrifice can help you overcome life’s obstacles. So don’t be afraid to compromise on the little things.

This will give you the time and energy you need to deal with the most important issues. As we said before, do your best to stay focused on your goals.


When the number 838 recurs in your life, the angels want you to know that you have their full attention. This number is an assurance of love, support, and guidance from the divine realm..

The angels want you to light up the world with your brilliance. Go ahead, heed this tip. There is much that awaits you if you obey.

So, when you see this special number, listen to what the angels want you to know. Remember, this number is never random. If it appears on your computer, phone, street or in your dreams, never ever take it for granted.