Ana María Estupiñán defended young marriage and said she would do it a thousand times more

Ana Maria Estupinan He said that he is in favor of young marriage and that without thinking twice he would do it again.

During a recent interview with a media outlet, Ana María spoke about her experience of getting married so young. And it is that she draws the attention that many couples wait and let time pass before making a decision. However, that was not the case of the Colombian actress who wanted to take that step at her 26 years.

Ana María Estupiñán and her experience of a young marriage

Ana María mentioned during the program that getting married young is not synonymous with inhibiting oneself or repressing oneself from enjoying many things, but quite the opposite. Nor is it a limitation to stop fulfilling dreams, much less stop having your own life. The actress herself said that young marriage is sharing memories and experiences with that person who ends up being very special.

That is why she was very emphatic in pointing out that far from repenting, she would remarry young one and ten thousand times more. Since it is one of the best decisions I have made in her life, which has filled her with a lot of love but above all too much happiness. In addition, she said that the man she chose was a great choice because in the end he is the one who will accompany her for the rest of her life.

Finally, she mentioned that for her marriage is the purest act of love and where in reality one person shows that they are willing to do anything for the other.

And you, What do you think of the young marriage, do you agree with Ana María Estupiñan? Let us know in the comments of this note and share it on your social networks.