Amulet to Pass a Difficult Exam

Making an amulet to pass an exam is really easy if you know how to do it, many people go to professionals to have them cast spells or create talismans without knowing that they can create them perfectly at home and today I am going to teach you how to make a lucky charm to pass an exam, job interview or any other event that can make you nervous.

This amulet will serve to attract good luck to our lives, in addition to serving as a catalyst for positive energies so that they help us overcome those little moments when we require a little help.

Thanks to the lucky charm you will have protection and help from positive energies to overcome those difficult moments more easily. Before starting I would like to introduce myself to new readers, my name is Luz Silva Soler, and right now you are reading my personal website where everything you see has been written by me, I love the magical world and I have more than 25 years dedicated to him, if you want to find any article to find love, recover money, attract abundance into your life, look at the index of my website. You can see the index by clicking here: See all the content of the web

It is true that sometimes we need a little extra luck in our lives and for this we will need to bring it to us, but for that we need an object that makes it a source of call, this object can be a lucky charm which can help to pass an exam, a job interview…

There are different amulets or relics that can help us in our day to day, for example for love, for abundance or for employment, today we will learn how to make a lucky charm.

These amulets have been used for hundreds of years and are the object of veneration in some cultures, in addition to many photographs and portraits of ancient kings we can see how some of these powerful amulets proudly wore them on their clothes.

Spells that may interest you

There are different ways to perform these spells to imbue an object with power, depending on what we are looking for we need to perform the spell in one way or another, but do not worry because I will explain what it is for, and what is best I will teach you. how to do it step by step.

Making an amulet is a simpler task than we think, but that is not why we have to neglect it and do it without giving our all.

It is important that at the time we perform one of these spells we are highly concentrated and giving our FAITH that it will come out correctly.

How to make a lucky charm

Luck moves through currents of energy, it is more like you know we are all energy, our body houses a lot of energy in different ways, and it is through this that we channel our spells.

One of the many energies that we can find is luck, and as all energy can be transferred and that is what we are going to do, get this luck from Mother Nature to be transferred to us.

To perform this spell and create our lucky charm we have to use quite simple objects to obtain, except for one that is a 4-leaf clover, but surely if luck is on your side, you will find it.

Materials to make a lucky charm

object with sentimental value
4 Leaf Clover

Holy Water

rue leaves

A lemon

Procedure to make a lucky charm

Creating a lucky charm is quite simple if we put all our efforts into doing it correctly, our faith and devotion in it, and what is better, this amulet will help us in the most complicated moments of our lives.

I always carry my lucky charm with me and after you make yours you can always carry it in your bag, in your coat or on a bracelet, you will see how little your life is improving.

  1. First we will need a quiet room, harmonized and above all that gives it sunlight, because we will need to open the window when we perform the spell.
  2. Once the room where we are going to do our spell is located, it is advisable to clean the room to avoid bad vibes or bad energies that can spoil our lucky charm.
  3. To start we will have to go to our kitchen and put the holy water in the saucepan, once this is done we will say «May the esoteric energies of luck come to this call»
  4. Later we will put the water to boil and we will throw inside the 4-leaf clover and the object of sentimental value (it has to be a metal object, or similar that does not spoil with hot water)
  5. We will cover the saucepan and leave it for 15 minutes so that an infusion is created with the holy water, the clover and the object, once this time has elapsed, carefully remove the saucepan from the heat.
  6. During the 15 minutes that the process lasts, you should think about difficult moments that you were able to overcome, such as an exam or a job interview.
  7. Now you have to wait for the water to cool down, take out the object and put a few drops of lemon and wrap it in rue leaves, leave it exposed to the sun for a whole day, it is important that the sun hits the object directly and when the moon rises it withdraw or it will lose all the energy it has absorbed.

This spell to create an amulet is highly effective, and once finished we can take the object with us everywhere, that same week we will begin to see different effects and we will notice how positive energies enter our lives.

How to make a charm to pass an exam

An exam is quite a difficult test if we are not prepared, and even more so if our nerves make us play tricks, which is why sometimes a little luck would not hurt.

We have to be realistic and we will not pass if we do not do our part, this means that having this amulet during an exam, the answers will not come from heaven without having learned them before, that is why it is necessary to have studied before taking the exam.

This amulet will help you face driving tests, school exams, or university exams. But remember, it is necessary to have studied and practiced before, this amulet does not guarantee you to overcome it without having made an effort beforehand.

Materials to make a charm to pass an exam

daisy flowers

Ancient coin
print of your saint

Holy Water

Procedure to make an amulet to pass an exam

This amulet to pass a difficult exam is highly effective and powerful, it will help us attract the most positive energies to us so that they can clear our minds and find the right answers.

Personally, I want to warn you that this amulet is only useful once per exam, that is, you will have to conjure it once per exam or test that you want to take.

  1. First we will need to have freshly cut daisy flowers, which is why you must first locate where to obtain them.
  2. Then you will place the book you are studying horizontally and on top of it you will put a glass with holy water.
  3. Inside the glass you will put the old coin and the daisy flowers, this will have to be done the night before the exam.
  4. You will cover the glass with the picture of your saint and you will say 2 prayers to your saint, begging for his help.
  5. The next day we will take the coin out of the water and carry it in our pocket during the test or exam.

If you have done everything correct, and you have also done your part studying the exam, it will surely be successful. Remember that this luck spell will not give you the answers if you do not do a little bit of your study first!

I await your 🗣 comments below this publication saying how the amulets were, you can also leave me any doubts or questions, I will personally answer them.

Finally, I invite you to join our magical community on Facebook, where thousands of readers meet to share spells and ideas: Join Community on Facebook

And finally, give you my purest blessings.

We read soon

Luz Silva Soler