Amotivational syndrome: discover its causes, symptoms and treatment – Online Psychologists

Everyone has gone through a time when they have lost interest or desire to do something. Usually this happens due to laziness, but if it lasts for a long period of time it can be a symptom of something else: amotivational syndrome.

What is amotivational syndrome?

Amotivational syndrome is a disorder characterized by loss of desire and enthusiasm. That is, you don't feel like doing anything, you think it's not worth trying, you're not interested in anything…

This feeling lasts over time and extends to all areasthat is, not only do you not feel like doing a certain task, job, but you also don't feel like making other more social plans, such as meeting up with your friends, eating with your family, etc. This is a loss of general interestwhich affects every aspect of your life.

Amotivational syndrome may be caused by:

  • Genetic or hereditary factors that affect the brain.
  • Problems in the family nucleus.
  • Depression.
  • Consumption of drugs such as marijuana.

If you are having trouble finding motivation, don't hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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What symptoms can you have?

This syndrome closely resembles lto depressionsince it has very similar features due to that loss of desire, illusion, sad mood, etc. It must be remembered that this type of disorder can cause both psychological and physical consequences, both go hand in hand. Some of the symptoms of amotivational syndrome are:

  • Lack of desire and enthusiasm. You have no desire or interest in doing the things you used to love doing.
  • Distress. Your mood will be affected and you may feel continually sad and distressed.
  • Loss of attention. The lack of desire and enthusiasm also makes it much more difficult for him to pay attention and maintain it.
  • Lack of sleepAnxiety can cause you to not rest properly and this can affect your daily life.
  • You don't look beyond. Lack of interest can cause you to not set or have clear objectives in either the short or long term.
  • Pessimistic view of lifeYou don't think there's anything worthwhile, or anything that excites you.
  • Lack of self-care. Your mood will affect you and make you neglect and abandon yourself.
  • You tend not to show your feelingsYou isolate yourself and your feelings, this can be harmful and will cause this situation to continue.

How is amotivational syndrome treated?

As a treatment for amotivational syndrome, the best option is psychological therapy. You can also:

  • Try to make and go out on plans from time to timeIt's not enough to just make plans with your family or friends, but also to go. Don't let the idea of ​​not going win, force yourself.
  • Support from your loved ones. Both your family and friends will be willing to help you and show you support. You can spend time with them, which can help you gradually regain the desire to make plans, etc.
  • Express your feelingsWhether through paper or words, expressing your emotions will always be beneficial for your health, as it helps you release the weight that stresses and distresses you.
  • Set goalsSetting goals or objectives in life is very important because it is the key to the enthusiasm and interest with which we continue our day to day life, to reach that goal. Setting small short-term goals may help you.
  • Positive outlookTry to change your perspective, think about the good times, about everything you have achieved and set new goals. Think about the good things that happen to you and those around you.
  • Go to therapy. Despite all this, the best option will always be to go to a psychologist. A professional can help you work on yourself, on self-love, to let yourself, little by little, learn to see and understand your emotions and learn to manage them in the best way. All this to overcome the problem.

Amotivational syndrome can also be treated with medication, always prescribed by a psychology professional, along with therapy.

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