Warning: risk of confusion!
The American Bully is a young dog breed and looks very similar to the American Bulldog. The names are also very close.
In this breed portrait you can find out what this young dog breed is all about, what temperament the American Bully brings with it and whether there are any problems and common diseases.
American Bully Wanted Poster
Size Male: up to 57 cm, female: up to 57 cmWeightMale: 20 to 50 kg, female: 20 to 50 kgColorsBlack, shades of brown, white, multicolored, brindleLife expectancy8 to 15 yearsOriginUSAcharacter/temperamentgentle nature, playful, friendly, calm,FCI groupno
The American Bully cannot deny its lineage. So also this race is the typical one Bulldog look own.
These include the strong and almost square physique with a broad chest and a large head.
The stature is rather stocky and compact, but the dog should Exude power and confidence.
The breed is bred in different sizes.
So there are the small pockets, the size of which is less than 43 cm. The size type labeled Standard is between 43 and 51 cm, the same size but slightly lighter is the Classic.
Dogs of this breed measuring over 51 cm are referred to as XL.
Weight in this breed is related to size, ranging from 20 to 50 kilos.
The fur is short. It come Black and shades of brown as well as white as coat color before. It can be two- or multi-colored or brindle.
History & origin of the American Bully
As the name suggests, the American Bully comes from the USA.
This breed is a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier, but other breeds are also crossed.
These can be, for example, English Bulldog, French Bulldog or American Bulldog. Especially with the latter there is a risk of confusion – also because of the name.
So far, the American Bully is neither of the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognized, still by the Association for the German Kennel Club (VDH).
Based on his pedigree, however, he would fit into FCI Group 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers – Molossoids – Swiss Mountain Dogs.
In the United States, the American Bully has been recognized with a breed standard by the United Kennel Club (UKC) since July 15, 2013.
Nature & character of the American Bully
The American Bully is supposed to be a cheerful and self-confident companion be.
Despite his powerful appearance, according to the UKC breed standard gentle and friendly appear.
The American Bully is considered playful and affectionate. However, that puts one loving and consistent upbringing and good socialization in advance.
Although he is playful, but otherwise has a rather calm temperament and a low energy level.
Still, it’s an active dog breed that needs adequate exercise.
Aggressive behavior towards people is not typical for the breed and the breed standard also underlines this.
According to the UKC, vicious or shy representatives of this breed are undesirable in breeding in the USA.
In Germany there is, however no breed standard for the American Bullyand this breed is rarely found anywhere in Europe.
Breeding is also not subject to any controls. So it is not always clear whether it is an American Bully or a Bulldog-Staffordshire mix.
attitude & upbringing
He likes to be where his people are. He’s content with just being there.
You should not leave the people-oriented dog alone for too long.
through his playful and at the same time calm manner he works for families as well as for individuals.
Otherwise, the American Bully is very docile and has a strong will to please its owners.
The playful dog is too open to tricks and little games. You can practice retrieving with him or challenge his sense of smell with search games.
Since there is a great visual similarity to other bulldogs, depending on where you live, the American Bully may be classified as a dangerous dog.
Health & Care
It is not possible to say exactly whether there are diseases typical of the breed, as this is a young breed.
If you can even speak of an American Bully breed.
If you want to get an American Bully, you should get in touch in advance inquire about the parent animals.
A reputable breeder will also be able to provide evidence of parental diseases.
In very massive animals are often problems with joints expected. These can intensify with age.
The life expectancy of the American Bully has a wide range between 8 and 15 years.
As a rule, smaller dogs live longer than large dogs. The four size types of this breed also explain the wide range.
Attention should also be paid to short noses in parent animals. After all, you definitely want your dog breathe well can.
Since the American Bully likes to eat, you should pay close attention to the dog’s portions. It is important to avoid being overweight. In this way you can help your dog stay healthy and have a long life expectancy
The maintenance effort for the American Bully can be classified as quite low.
His short coat needs an occasional brush stroke. Washing is usually only necessary when heavily soiled.
Is the American Bully right for me?
The American Bully suits families and singles alike.
He likes to be with you and not a dog that you can leave alone for a long time. Because these Breed is considered very affectionate.
Also Beginners get along well with the obliging dog.
He is a suitable dog for homeowners, but can also live well in the apartment.
Here, however, the dog should not have to walk up stairs. And you probably don’t want to carry the 20 to 30-kilo power pack several times a day.
Even if the American Bully does not have to go on hikes for hours, he still needs sufficient exercise and occupation.
In Germany and throughout Europe, however, it will difficult to get an American Bully.
Shady breeders are offering Staffordshire mix puppies as American Bullies to circumvent restrictions by dangerous dog breed lists.
However, there are many other bulldogs that are bred in Germany, and you can also find them in animal shelters.
However, pay particular attention to the restrictions on keeping and conditions imposed by breed lists. These may vary by state.
Fun facts about the American Bully
The American Bully wants to please everyone. As a guard dog, he is therefore considered unsuitable.
So there are jokes about it among Bully owners.
One says that the bully would also open the door for burglars if he could. Others jokingly claim that he would also help the burglars carry it.