Am I histrionic if I always need to be the center of attention? – Online Psychologists

A histrionic person or with histrionic personality disorder It is one that is characterized by showing a extremely emotional behavior. These people have a personality dramatized and theatricalwhich they use to not go unnoticed. That is, they are in a continuous search for leadershipThey need to attract the attention of others, which is why they seek strategies such as seduction or playing the victim.

People who suffer from this mental disorder have the need to feel important. They are usually subjects with a cheerful characterenthusiastic or lively. This gives the impression that they have a high self-esteem. However, what They seek to reaffirm themselves through the care of other people. It should be noted that those who suffer from this condition are highly functional peopleboth with good social and professional skills.

Individuals with histrionic disorder are also often characterized by having a strong emotional instabilityTheir emotions are very variable. They can go from moments of intense joy or effusiveness to periods in which they are immersed in deep sadness. These people express their emotions in an exaggerated and excessive way and, sometimes, they are influenced when expressing them by other people.

This influence refers to the fact that the concept that the histrionic person has of himself depends on others. This implies a great dependence on the environmentwhich can become an addiction.

That is to say, a histrionic experiences pleasure when he is recognized and approved by others. Because of this, the more pleasure he feels, the more he will seek people's approval, thus becoming a kind of drug for him. On the contrary, if such recognition or approval is not present, he will feel strong discomfort.

What are the causes of histrionic personality disorder?

It is normal for disorder to appear in the adulthood. In addition, it affects twice as much women than men. It is a fairly common disorder in the population as it affects about 3% of the same.

There is no specific cause for why histrionic personality disorder arises. In fact, they are unclear. Although there is no clarity about the specific causes that encourage its development, it is believed that this disorder begins to develop during childhoodHowever, it is later, during adolescence and adulthood, when it begins to appear gradually.

As we mentioned earlier, There is no specific cause Histrionic disorder. This is caused by different factors. Most experts consider that there are a series of elements that could be called risk circumstances or situations. Within these, we can find the insecure attachment in childhood, absent parents or emotionally distant, ill-treatment either Child abuse, undisciplined environment, low self-esteem either personal insecurity.

The existence of a genetic or hereditary factor of this disorder. This suspicion is due to the fact that it has been observed in different families that those with a history of personality disorders had a higher probability that one of their members could develop a histrionic disorder.

What are the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder?

Unlike the causes, the criteria that determine whether a person suffers from histrionic personality disorder are quite clear. The DSM-IV diagnostic manual establishes a list of eight symptoms. Thus, if we are dealing with a person who presents at least five of the characteristics mentioned below, we can recognize that we are dealing with a histrionic individual:

  • They express emotions in a dramatic wayFor these people, life is like a play and he has to be the protagonist of the plot.
  • They are easily influencedSince their self-esteem depends on the approval of others, what others do or say about them influences them excessively.
  • They have very sudden emotional changesTheir emotions are like a roller coaster. These people are at the top, full of joy and effusiveness, and then they are sunk in the deepest sadness.
  • They get frustrated when they are not the center of attention. When people don't recognize their merits, they feel uncomfortable.
  • They use their physical appearance to attract attention. They are people who know how to make the most of themselves, they are known for knowing how to stand out. In this way they achieve their goal, to attract attention.
  • They speak in a generic way. They are very exaggerated and subjective when describing an event. They do not provide details or nuances.
  • They make it seem like their personal relationships are very intimate. They believe that their relationships, both socially and personally, are more intimate than they really are. That is, they believe that they have a great deal of trust with the people around them when this is not really the case.

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What are the differences between a histrionic man and a woman?

Although we know that it affects more women and the disorder is common, there are characteristics and symptoms that differ according to sex.

In the case of the womentend to be perceived seductive behaviors. With these they intend magnify femininity. Sometimes they are capricious and childish as if they had “Peter Pan syndrome.” They lack empathy and they tend to be liars and manipulativeThis lack of empathy means that they don't care about anything other than their appearance.

In addition, they usually present a inability to get excited or to reach orgasm because, in most cases, they fake it. When they reach an age where they can no longer use their physique to attract attention, they use fake diseases either exaggerate the symptoms to become the center of the conversation.

For its part, the histrionic manpresents a series of characteristics that differentiate it from women. Among them we can find the exaggeration of male sexual traitsa conduct dominated by exaggeration of virilitythe taking of conquest as its axis of behavior or the presence of an excessively genital sexual relationship.

What types of histrionic personality disorder can we find?

  • Normal histrionic. We are facing the standard case. Here the patient seeks approval and attention from other people. They are individuals extrovertssociable and optimistic. Their main objective is please other people through seduction and polite and correct behavior. Their character is usually related to that of immature people.
  • Theatrical histrionics. Patients present a melodramatic or romantic characterThey always seek to be the center of attention. In order to be liked by people, they pretend to be one way or another based on what they think will please people the most. They also seek approval through their appearance, dressing in an extravagant way.
  • Childish histrionics. This type is characterized by the presence of traits typical of borderline personality disorder. Elements such as emotional hypersensitivity, tantrums or limited social skills, among others, are found.
  • Lively histrionic. Subjects who are within this subtype of histrionics are characterized by their narcissism. They are usually subjects irresponsiblewith a chaotic and frenetic life. They are characterized by being charming and very intelligent. They often have problems in their personal and professional life as a consequence of their irresponsible acts.
  • Histrionic appeaser. These are characterized by the presence of traits dependent and compulsive. To please others they acquire helpful attitudes. Sometimes it seems that they would give their lives to please others. This subcategory is usually related to those who lack family attachment or have emotional deficiencies from their parents.
  • Stormy histrionic. Within this type, there are histrionics who present a personality with negative traits. They behave with great emotional instabilityThey tend to alternate periods of impulsiveness with periods of depression. They cannot tolerate frustration or criticism from others. Sometimes they lose control and even behave aggressively.
  • False histrionic. Here, in addition to the characteristics of the common histrionic disorder, Features of the antisocial disorder. They are people liars and calculators They never take responsibility. To get the attention they seek, they don't mind getting into conflicts or arguments. In fact, they feel comfortable in these types of situations.

Is there a treatment for histrionic personality disorder?

There is usually a problem and that is that people who have this disorder They don't consider themselves sick. In the event that they go to a mental health specialist, they do so for other conditions such as anxietythe pressure either relationship problems.

All of these are a consequence of his histrionic personality disorder. In rare cases, medication or a medication may be prescribed. drug treatmentHowever, the most common and effective is the therapy.

The objective that has the psychological treatment is to get the patient to separate himself from integral thoughts. That is, to get him to focus on specific problems and thus avoid generalizing all areas of their life. Once this is achieved, we will begin to work with the subject so that he leaves behind the dramatization behaviorsThe most useful therapy to achieve this is cognitive behavioral.

It is also common to group therapyIn this way, the patient will be able to develop social skills with other people. He or she can also attend family therapy to improve emotional relationships with the members of the family.

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