Altar of the dead: these are the elements that you must put on the day of the dead

Upon reaching your destination, The traveler offered gifts to the lords of the Mictlán, who sent him to one of nine regions, where the dead remained a proof period of four years before continuing your life And thus reach the last floor, which was the place of his eternal rest.

However, after arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century, Mexico was introduced Terror to death and hell With the dissemination of Christianity, So the tradition of Dead altars represents the cultural syncretism of the old and the new world, since both contributed elements that are used today.

The levels of the altars of the dead usually represent the sky, the earth and the underworld.

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How many levels does an altar of dead have?

The altar of the dead becomes different levels that represent the material and immaterial world, as well as the different levels that the soul of the deceased must cross To get to eternal rest.

Thus, two -level altars are a representation of heaven and earth, while three levels represent the sky, the earth and the underworld. Also, there are seven -level altars, which represent the seven levels of purgatory that the soul must cross to get to rest or spiritual peace.

Each of the elements of the altar of the dead fulfills a function for the visit of our Dead Dead Beings.

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What carries the altar of the dead?

Currently, the altars of the dead have different elements, which fulfill a specific function within the offering. Some of the most common are:

Cempasúchil flowers

The cempasúchil flower It is representative of the Day of the Dead and is used to decorate and aromatize the place during the room of the soul.


It is the purification element, it serves so that the body is not corrupted, on its round trip for the next year.

Ash Cross

This serves to purify the spirit of the dead of his pending guilt.

Candles and candles

These serve as a guide so that the souls can reach their old places and light the return to their dwelling, so sometimes they are placed in the form of a cross to represent the four cardinal points.

Copal or incense

The copal was offered by the natives to their gods since the incense was not yet known, he arrived with the Spaniards. It is used to move away evil spirits and to purify the environment.

Chopped paper

The purple chopped paper represents Christian mourning, while the orange color represents the Aztec mourning. Currently, the commercial chopped paper includes a variety of colors and designs based on the cartoon cartoons.

Portrait of the deceased

The portrait of the remembered relative suggests the soul that will visit us, so it must be placed at the highest level of the altar.

Water, food and drinks

Water is offered to the souls to mitigate their thirst after their long journey and to strengthen their return. Likewise, their favorite dishes, foods and drinks are placed to delight the soul that visits us.

Dead bread and sugar calaveritas

The dead bread is one of the most traditional foods of this celebration, which represents the cycle of life and death, while sugar skulls represent human skulls.


These pre -Hispanic puppies, can not be missing in the altars dedicated to children, since they are a toy so that the souls of the little ones are happy to reach the banquet.

When to put the altar of the dead?

The Day of the Dead Offering Traditionally it must be installed on October 31 so that, at the beginning of November 1, the souls can enjoy the food and drinks that we have left.

It is said that pets are the first to arrive because they open the other dead, which is why those who had one place their offering Since October 26, since they say, animals will arrive on October 27.

In some regions of Mexico on October 28, they remember those who died tragically or in an accident, on October 29 to the drowned and on October 30 who died without being baptized.

When to remove the altar of the dead?

There is no specific date but, traditionally, the altars begin to withdraw on November 3. Once the Day of the Dead passed.