All types of WAX CANDLES

Industrial white wax candles are made with paraffin, a material derived from petroleum that when melted in a water bath, takes on a liquid texture that takes the shape of the mold where it sits, as well as the color of the ink or the aroma with which it is mixed, when it cools it solidifies and compacts around a wick. Creating the candles that we know today.

Now, this industrial process has little time, formerly they were done with a natural solid fuel, i.e. wax or greaseTherefore, the first candles were made with oils, animal lard, or beeswax.


Natural wax candles

Although paraffin redefined the market, since they are cheap wax candles, thus being able to manufacture larger quantities, and adding colorants or aromas; It must also be recognized that it is a quite toxic material, in fact the American Lung Association has warned that the vapors given off by paraffin candles when heated are carcinogenic.

So, when it comes to buying them and decorating our home, it is better to choose natural wax candles, although they are more expensive, they are worth it. Usually Natural wax candles are made with oils, beeswax, soy wax, or animal fat.

Beeswax Candles

Natural beeswax candles, also called virgin wax candles, can be found at health food stores, or you can make your own.

Wax is made by worker bees to coat the comb and deposit pollen. That’s why they have smell of honey and flowers. Ideal to set the house in a 100% natural way.

Properties of beeswax in candles

Natural beeswax candles are also recommended for people with asthma or allergiessince the wax has antibacterial propertiesthus helping to disinfect the air in the house.

Unlike paraffin wax candles, bee candles burn slowly, so even though they are more expensive, they go a long way.

Meaning of beeswax in candles

In many esoteric rituals, virgin beeswax candles are chosen, as they last longer and can be reused more times for different rituals. They do not have any special meaning beyond what each person who uses them can attribute to them.

The meaning is found in the form that the wax adopts when consumed, each drop that falls, the speed of consumption, the depth of hollowing, etc. They denote different meanings.

The shape of the wax changes according to the room where the candle is lit, the entrance of air currents, the amount of oxygen, the temperature of the environment and the energies that we emit.

Now, when we talk about beeswax, it happens that it is more durable and firm, so the reading can give different meanings, since it takes longer to be consumed.

How to make beeswax candles?

soy wax candles

Although beeswax candles are undoubtedly the most beneficial for health, longer lasting and have a natural aroma, the truth is that they are very expensive and sometimes even difficult to obtain.

Bearing that in mind, Michael Richards in 1993 found the perfect way to do cheap, all-natural, toxin-free wax candles: Soy wax candles.

Other advantages of soy wax is that you can add dyes and essences.

Soy wax massage candles

Soy wax melts at a low temperature, which is why they are excellent for massaging.

Once the candle is lit, wait 5 minutes to get some hot wax, you can pour it directly on the skin, or pass it through a metal spoon first before applying it to sensitive areas.

Some massage therapists prefer to mix beeswax with moisturizing creams during the fusion, claiming that it increases its benefits and maneuverability.

As a precaution before receiving a massage with this wax, it is advisable to test that your skin is not allergic.

How to make soy candles?

meaning of candle wax

When the wax candles are lit, the heat of the flame deforms them little by little, however it does not do so in a stable way, each movement of the fire generates different shapes.

In the esoteric world it is believed that the flame moves not only by air currents but by certain energies that human beings emit. Thus the meaning of the wax in the candles reflects our spiritual environment.

Why do candles have a mystical meaning?

It is said that the candles have the same origin as Christianity itself, let us remember that the Catholic and Roman Church did not tolerate the faithful of Jesus Christ and hunted them down to torture or kill them for their faith.

Those who then professed it had to do it in secret, the meetings were held in basements, sewers or remote and dark places. Like all religions, people felt the need to venerate the image of his faith and make offerings to it, so to idolize Jesus Christ in that darkness they needed a little light.

The torches and lamps were too flashy, which was dangerous, so they managed to create a small light from the wax candles with wicks, which helped the flame to be dim, and the light to last longer.

Since then, the meaning of wax candles has become something religious: light, offering, request, faith, devotion and peace.

Candles are also a symbol of the 4 most powerful forces of nature: the burning flame is the firethe Earth and the Water are represented in solid and liquid wax respectively, while the smoke that is released symbolizes the element air. For this reason they are used in numerous religions and cults.

How to clean wax candles

We live in the age of electricity, so when we really need a candle, be it for a romantic night, or to decorate for Christmas, we will most likely find them dirty and dusty. To return them to their original state, we recommend the following methods:

1 Clean them with a cotton stocking

Our socks are designed to keep your feet comfortable and cool, therefore their fabric is porous, absorbent, delicate and fluffy, 4 ideal qualities to clean dust from candles without damaging them.

Insert each candle separately into the stocking and rub gently, Keep in mind that they only remove superficial dust, if they have been stored for a long time and the dust has already turned into a layer of dirt, then opt for the following methods.

2 Rub a cotton pad with alcohol

Dip a cotton ball in alcohol and carefully remove the dirt that covers the candle, you are going to rub gently to avoid carving the wax. If you see the color transfer to the cotton, it is an indication that you are doing it too strong.

3 Use dish soap

Delicate or colored candles don’t go well with alcohol, so if you had problems with the above method, your best alternative is to use liquid dish soap since it’s not as abrasive.

How to clean candle wax

Did you get candle wax on your furniture, floor or carpet? Don’t worry, although it may seem difficult, there are very easy and practical methods to remove wax without damaging the affected surface.

1 Remove the wax with cold and plastic

If the wax candles have melted on a hard surface, apply some ice to the wax and allow it to cool for a few minutes. Then use a card, spatula or a PLASTIC knife to remove the wax without scraping or scratching the surface where it has fallen.

2 How to clean candle wax on fabrics

In case the wax has melted on fabric, you have two options:

  1. If the wax is thick and bunched up, simply fold the fabric and run a crease across the fabric, the movement should cause the wax to come off. Then turn it over so that the dry wax falls on the ground.
  2. If the wax has seeped into the fibers, then chill with ice and then place a clean paper bag over the cloth. Pass the iron at a minimum temperature gently repeatedly, lift the paper and you will see how the wax has been adhered to it.

Wax candles to clean the ears

All people accumulate wax in the ear, which is why many methods have been created to remove it and thus facilitate hearing. Wax candles are one of them, however they have been controversial because, according to the medical community, they increase the risk of disease, and even burns or damage to the eardrum.

This type of candles are sold in herbalists, and consist of two paper cones with wax inside.

How are candles used to clean ears?

The person lies on their side and covers the ears with a cardboard disk that comes in the package, then lights the fire of the protruding end of the cone and waits the time it takes for the wax to melt and solidify again to be removed.

Consult an otolaryngologist before using them.

Buy wax candles

If you want to enjoy all the vibes that wax candles provide, below you will find a selection with the best found:

Different types of CANDLES that may be of interest to you:

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