All the RITUALS of PINK candles

Finding love and healing relationships with your partner, family and friends is the main mission of rituals with pink candles. This color is charged with the energies of the love pure, sentimental harmony and femininity.

Read here the instructions of the rituals that we have selected for those requests.

Rituals with pink candles for the love of a couple

Leave a pink candle burning partner in the bedroom for 28 nights, to strengthen the marriage and loving coexistence.

light two candles heart-shaped roses one on each side of the bed to increase sentimental sensitivity in the relationship.

To calm the jealousy of the partnerLight a candle white on your side of the bed, after 20 minutes, blow it out and then light a pink candle in form flower and make a request for your partner to trust you.

Ritual with pink candles to find the love of your life

take a quartz rose and purify it by putting it in water and salt for a couple of hours. Then let it dry in the sunlight. sun for 24 hours. Place the quartz next to the pink candle and light it and repeat the following phrase: Rose quartz of the lovemake the love of my life enter, I ask you with love that love is always by my side…

Ritual with pink candles to heal friendly relationships

Light 3 pink candles and 3 white candles in a place that your friends frequent. If it is not possible, do it in the room where you receive visitors. Spread a scent based on roses in the air and think of the friends you want to win back. make one prayer for their reconciliation and extinguishes the candles with the tap of a flower in bud.

Pink candle ritual to increase self-esteem

This ritual is recommended for teenage girls, because during that stage they may need a Energy feminine that comforts them and makes them feel better about themselves.

prepare a bathtub with hot water and add essence of roses and jasmine. Place a mirror nearby with a pink candle in front of it. Make the young woman bathe there for a while and every so often she looks at herself. mirror and tell yourself a nice phrase or a compliment.

Ritual with pink candles to get pregnant

If you’re looking to meet pregnant and you have not been able to, this ritual will help you unlock the energies conducive to procreation.

In a night For a new moon, light a pink candle, preferably in the shape of an egg or a pregnant woman. Pray to the moon to grant you the joy of an infant in your life. Burn a small white flower and extinguish the flame with your fingers. For the next 7 days have sex sexual with your partner without pressure in a place that arouses passions, preferably painted or decorated in color red.

Ritual with pink candles to channel feminine energy

On a Friday night light 3 pink candles, make a request to expel the negative energies of envy and blow out the first candle. Then make a request for physical and spiritual protection, while brushing the flame of the second candle with your finger. Then ask out loud for love to surround your feminine energy and blow out the last candle with your fingers.

Ritual of the 6 days to receive a new love

On a new moon night or the night of the end of the year, prepare to receive the energies of a new love, light a pink candle and burn a paper that says «soul mate» and extinguish the candle with your fingers. Repeat the ritual for 6 nights with a different candle each day. Light the candles again in the places you frequent the most to enhance the spell.

Ritual to heal family relationships

In a transparent container or tray, place two large pink candles that will symbolize the mother and father, and smaller ones for each of your children. Place them on the dining room table and make sure that that day or night everyone sits down to eat with the candles lit to harmonize the energy of harmony, tenderness, paternal and fraternal love.

Products for rituals with pink candles

If you already have everything ready to put into practice any of the rituals above and if you don’t know where to buy pink candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

We hope that these rituals you liked them and you can take advantage of them. May you have good fortune.

To finish we leave you with a video to do rituals with pink candles, in this case to get Attract to that loved one.

And don’t forget to leave us your opinion in the comments area. 😉

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