White candles are used as the basis for almost all ritualsits purity and clarity help to channel the energies towards them, they are ideal to absorb and burn the Energy negative, or to reinforce petitions in esoteric rituals.

Rituals with white candles for love

This ritual helps improve couple relationships, as it creates a harmony quiet in the environment where the ritual is performed.

in one night with Crescent moon light two white candles side by side. With red ink write your name on one piece of paper and your partner’s on another. Burn each one with call of a different candle and let the ashes fall around. make one prayer mental to ask for harmony in your relationship. with a glass it covers candles and wait for them to go out by themselves.

Ritual with white candle and glass of water to attract money

Light the candle inside a glass glass, which you will have filled completely with water and salt. Let it rest for 2 hours. After that time, what we will do is wash ourselves our hands with that water while we think about the enormous amounts of money What are we going to play with them? To end dry your hands slowly with the heat of the candle.

Ritual with white candles to get a good job

you start the ritual lighting white esoteric candles surrounded by bay leaves; then take the piece of paper, and write your wish to find a job, as specific as possible. take the paper with your right hand and squeeze it hard. Visualize your wish coming true reality. After a couple of minutes burn the paper with the flame of the candles and scatter the ashes in the street.

Ritual with white candles for the loved one to return

Sometimes due to bad energy, discussions or disagreements couples move away from each other, eliminates negative energy and attracts the loved one again with this 7 day ritual.

One day Fridaytake a bath with hot water and clear your mind. Fill a glass or glass container halfway with water. and light a candle white by your side or floating in the water. Repeat the following phrase 3 times while you put in your mind happy memories with your ex partner. “Come back to me, look for me, I need you by my side…” At the end, blow out the candle with the fingersand repeat it for 7 nights in a row, using a candle different.

Rituals with white candles to tie

The following spell is used to bind people as energies, you can bind someone to a relationship, bind clients to your business, even bind the protective forces around your family.

Tie three white candles together with a sturdy string, then insert your tie request between them and light the candles one by one. In case you want to tie a person in a love relationship, also light a red candle, if it is for business a green candle, if you want to attract money, a gold or yellow candle.

Ritual with white candles to purify the home

Before we start, all the people who do not live in the house must go out the back door. And those who live there enter through the front door. The house is then completely closed, preventing any type of light from entering. In the center of the house and on the floor, 4 white candles are lit along with four quartz. They are left on for at least two hours to absorb negative energies.

At the end of that time, all the doors and windows are opened, until the air currents blow out the candles. The quartz must be purified before being used again since they have accumulated all the negative energy.

Ritual to illuminate the path of the deceased

In many chapels and churches, white candles are lit in the name of a loved one who has passed away, thus lighting their path so that they arrive soon in the kingdom of heaven.

Products for rituals with white candles

It is time to put your rituals into practice, if you do not know where to buy white candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

Of course there are thousands of rituals with white candles, if you have the chance go to an esoteric shop you can ask for advice on herbs so that their essence and power are impregnate in your rituals.

Remember that the white aura absorbs what it has around it, so that your spiritual energy must be in harmony if you are going to make requests, at the same time the place where you do the spell must be clear of negative energies.

Otherwise the ritual could become contaminated and reduce its effect.

We hope that our tips serve you and may your rituals have a good effect on your life. Do not forget to leave us your opinions in the comment box. 😉

To finish the post, we leave you this video with a ritual with white candles to attract money, abundance and prosperity to your lives.

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