Honey and sugar are used in esotericism to attract the love and other positive energies. In nature, ants, insects and certain animals go straight to the sweetness that both give off. In the spirit world the rituals with honey candles they serve in the same way: attracting the opposite sex, the love of your life, positive energies, friendships, etc.

Take into account:

Rituals with honey, sugar and cinnamon candles are very effective, so you have to be extremely careful what is asked, the sentences must be very clear.

Ritual with honey candle for the 11th of each month

The dates with number 11 are very special, since certain energies flow in favor of people who know how to attract them.

Take three candles from Bee wax or honey, and light them before you go to sleep every night on the 11th of each month. Be careful not to ask for anything specific, the candles will attract what you really need in your life at that moment.

Ritual with honey, sugar and cinnamon candle to attract suitors

If you think you’re having bad luck looking partner or that no one pays attention to you, your romantic energy may be blocked. With this ritual you you will convert in the flower that every bee will want to court.

Circle one or several honey candles with cinnamon sticks and tie them with a rope, then take a pinch of sugar to sprinkle the candles before lighting them, with a match light the first candle thinking of you as a being special who has a lot to give, when lighting the second candle visualize the looks of your suitors, and with the third Imagine to someone special by your side.

Love spell with homemade honey candle

In a glass or container crystal leave a wick of wick, some cinnamon sticks, a lock of the being’s hair loveda photo and a piece of paper with your name on it, cover everything slowly with a good amount of honey natural, while you are filled with romantic thoughts with that person. She culminates lighting the fuse of candlewick that you should leave so that it turns off by itself.

Ritual with honey candles for love

On a paper white write your name in red ink from top to bottom and that of your love from left to right, thus forming a cross. Add a little sugar and fold the paper in two. He places a wax candle on the paper and lights it. If your love life begin To improve light another candle next to the first until both are consumed.

Ritual with honey candle to clean the home

Light a beeswax candle and walk with it around your home repeating the words: “In my home there is no room for evil or disease. Light, health and joy live in my home…” then leave the candle on in your shower until completely consumed.

Mooring ritual for love

Tie a red ribbon around two honey or beeswax candles, place the candles in your bedroom and as you light them with a match, imagine a red thread coming out of your heart and tying up your loved one. At the end of your mental image, let the candles burn until a drop of wax touches the ribbon. Then blow out the candles near a window to blow the smoke out of the house.

Ritual with honey candles to purify the body

If you feel depressed, sick, or anxious lately, follow these instructions:

Place a honey candle in each area of ​​the house, and also in your workplace. Turn it on for 10 minutes every time you enter that area. (Without exceptions). Every morning he smiles before placing his feet on the ground. And every day before bed, give thanks for the day you’ve had, even if it didn’t seem so good.

Ritual for love to last long term

This spell is exclusive to do as a couple.

Surround with your bodies 4 honey candles placed on a table or round surface, each light a candle and then with the flame of that candle light the 2 that are missing. At the same time they must say in unison: I give you my love forever, may my feelings for you always be strong and unshakeable. At the end they look into each other’s eyes for 7 minutes and blow out the candles with their fingers, all at the same time.

Ritual to create a romantic space

In a glass jar place cinnamon powder, then a slice of dried orange and finally a honey candle. Carefully hang the jar from the ceiling or a tree and allow it to burn completely. That night invite your partner to that area and enjoy a harmonious evening. They shouldn’t argue for any reason. From that moment on, that area will be very favorable for the relationship.

Products for rituals with honey candles

If you already have everything ready to put into practice any of the rituals above and if you don’t know where to buy honey candles for rituals, below I leave you a selection with the best related products:

To finish we leave you with another ritual with candles honey so that you have the opportunity to do a ritual whatever your need.

How do you like these rituals, which one will you put into practice? Do not forget to leave us your opinion in the comments. 🙂

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