All costs & prices at a glance

If your dog has had an accident, surgery, or joint problems, your vet will likely recommend physical therapy for him.

Exercise can speed up recovery.

If you are wondering how much physical therapy your dog will cost you, you can find out everything you need to know here.

In a nutshell: how much does physiotherapy cost for dogs in total?

40 – 120 € excluding VAT

The total cost of a physiotherapy session is between 40 and a maximum of 120 euros.

The initial examination and initial treatment in physiotherapy for dogs costs between 50 and 150 euros and lasts between 60 and 75 minutes.

This is how the costs for physiotherapy in dogs are made up

The costs for your dog’s physiotherapy consist of an initial examination, therapy sessions and follow-up appointments or extra treatments together.

The price depends heavily on the type of treatment.

initial examination


At the first appointment with the canine physiotherapist, an anamnesis is taken.

To do this, the physical therapist will fit your dog’s muscles and joints to theirs function and mobility test.

therapy session


Depending on where you live and the type of therapy you need, treating your dog can cost between 40 and 120 euros and lasts between 60 and 75 minutes.

You shouldn’t forget that one Treatment plan several sessions per week may include.

In addition, the therapeutic treatment can last several weeks, depending on how seriously ill your dog is.

extra treatments


Additional costs for your dog’s physiotherapy can arise from the use of special equipment or the administration of medication.

So it may be that your dog has a Electrotherapy or equipment training required.

Lymphatic drainage or movements on an underwater treadmill for 25 to 40 euros are also conceivable.

You can budget 20 euros for a heat treatment with infrared. If magnetic field therapy is to be carried out on your dog, it usually costs 25 euros.

If you want your dog’s pain to be relieved with animal acupuncture or for his muscles to be built up as a result, you should budget between 15 and 20 euros per treatment session.

Therapy with medicinal herbs is also an option for many dogs.

If your dog is very stressed during therapy or cannot calm down due to other factors, Bach flowers can also help.

With Bach flower therapy, you can count on around 18 euros for the test and the Bach flower mixture.


It’s always a good idea to clarify the costs involved and find out about the specific treatments ahead of time.

If you have animal health insurance, you should clarify whether the costs will be covered before starting treatment.

Is there a difference in the cost of physical therapy for small dogs versus large dogs?

The size usually does not play a role in the cost of your dog’s physical therapy, therefore you pay the same price for big and small dogs.

There may be differences when additional medication is administered. Here the weight can be decisive for the dosage and thus the price per animal.

How can I prepare my dog ​​for physical therapy?

If you are taking your dog to physiotherapy for the first time, you should have the results and, if necessary, the X-rays from your veterinarian with you, or you should have sent them to the physiotherapy practice in advance.

You need a leash for your dog, since the movement analysis usually takes place outdoors.

If your dog is easily motivated by treats or toys, you should also have those with you.

If your dog shys away from being touched by strangers, don’t forget a muzzle.

It is an advantage if your dog is used to being touched on different parts of the body, which you can train.

Like the vet, the physical therapist gets very close to your dog. It would therefore be an advantage if you practice these situations with your dog at an early stage.

Before you take your dog to physical therapy, they should have a chance to unwind.

Does dog health insurance cover the costs of physiotherapy for dogs?

Whether or not your dog health insurance will cover the cost of physical therapy depends on the specific terms set out in your policy.

Depending on the scope of insurance, insurers have different scopes of coverage and conditions.

Some animal insurance policies include part or all of the treatment by a physiotherapist in their scope of services.

If you want to know whether your dog health insurance includes the benefit for your dog’s physical therapy, check the insurance conditions carefully.

For example, your insurance company may require a vet referral or only reimburse for the services of certain physical therapists.

In addition, the number of reimbursable sessions may be limited.

Has your dog ever had physical therapy? Tell us more about your experiences.