All about RITUALS with CANDLES

Magic is as old as man, with it we sought to influence the environment through supernatural means, invoking the most powerful forces of nature.

But, when people stopped giving importance to magic, religions took its place, hence many rituals are practiced invoking saints or using symbols of some religion.

The meaning of rituals with candles has great power, because the candles enclose the 4 elements (earth, fire, air and water)In addition, its color, material and shape attract influences specific around us.

Types of rituals with candles

Here you will find the most popular types of candlelight rituals.

If you want to do a special ritual, the use of esoteric candles is your best option. As well as natural candles that do not pollute the environment and attract better energies.

Rituals with yellow candles

Rituals with yellow candles attract wealthunconsciously our brain associates yellow with gold.

If we channel our energy through the yellow candles, they will help us shape our own behavior and make us more susceptible to economic opportunities.

Rituals with blue candles

The rituals with blue candles are dedicated to provide peace, serenity and spiritual tranquility to another person.

They are also associated with the virtues of sincerity, faith, and fidelity, which is why they are used to heal love relationships or strengthen societies and work groups.

Rituals with white candles

The white symbolizes purity and innocencethe absence of colors allows you to channel different types of energy, which is why it is very common to perform rituals with white candles as base.

Depending on their shape and arrangement they begin to take on different meanings.

Rituals with celestial candles

The rituals with celestial candles they invoke the Greek goddess Aphroditeso that in this way it increases the sensuality of a love relationship or of a woman.

It is almost forbidden to use them in religious ceremonies. It is a color to express joy and vitality, bringing joy to a home or business.

Rituals with candles of 7 colors

To invoke the 7 powers: strength, union, well-being, protection, luck, prosperity and harmony are made rituals with candles of 7 colors.

It is one of the most powerful candles for complex rituals that need the maximum possible help.

Rituals with honey candles

Beeswax candles, also called honey candles, They are associated with attraction and togetherness. That is why they are used in love rituals or to attract specific energies.

They are also widely used in rituals that strengthen long-distance relationships.

Rituals with golden candles

Gold is the color of wealth, for millennia it was used by royalty in different cultures, so the rituals with golden candles focus not only on money, but on the can.

The rituals with golden candles They attract self-confidence. It fills us with dominant positive influences, so that our deepest desires materialize.

Rituals with brown candles

The rituals with brown candles they call mother earth, therefore they invoke the forces of stability and spiritual strength.

They are also used to get pregnant or increase a man’s fertility, and their tonality defines the forces that act in each ritual.

Rituals with purple candles

The rituals with purple candles (lilac or violet), are concentrated in the spirit world energydo not try to influence the forces of nature but to clear our karma. ✡

The use of purple candles helps us meditate, open paths, find ourselves, and calm anxiety about the future and guilt from the past.

Rituals with orange candles

The orange color represents the energy of the rising sun. The rituals with orange candles therefore they are made to invoke energy, vitality and physical strength. Ideal for field workers or athletes.

They are also lit to give thanks.

Rituals with black candles

The rituals with black candles They usually do damage, however, on certain occasions they can rather act as a shield to protect us from many evils.

ANDBlack concentrates the energies of all colorsblack candles have great power in magic and that is why they are used in the most complicated works.

Rituals with candles for the end of the year

It is quite common to do rituals with candles when a new cycle in our lives is about to begin, in this case with the candles for the end of the year we can start a new period of prosperity and fortune.

A) Yes, new year’s eve is a very powerful date to get rid of bad energies and start off on the right foot.

Candlelight rituals for work

Work is an important part of our lives, that’s why many spells are specifically focused on channel good energies around our work.

The rituals with candles for work they use yellow for money, brown for effort, gold for power, white for harmony, green for professional development.

Rituals with silver candles

The rituals with silver candles accumulate the energy the moon and the feminine forces. They are ideal for empowering women and giving them the strength they need to undertake certain challenges.

Most of these rituals must be done under the influence of the full or waxing moon. ☾

Rituals with red candles

The rituals with red candles they are directed to love and sexualitythey are indispensable in any job to find a partner, enhance lust, attract the opposite sex and heal relationships.

The more candles are used, the greater the concentrated positive energy will be, the rituals are done just where you want to increase these feelings: that is: the bedroom.

Rituals with pink candles

The rituals with pink candles unite purity with love, they are used to heal family relationships. Pink candles represent unconditional love, femininity, and innocence.

With pink candles, levels of aggression and jealousy decrease. At the same time they stimulate sensitivity and promote procreation.

Rituals with green candles

In the modern world too we associate green with dollarsSo many spells include green candles to attract money.

However, green is a symbol of prosperity and growth, rituals with green candles they condense hope, attracting good energies for personal and professional development

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