During the bloody battle waged for 10 years between the two races of deities Titans and Olympians who inhabited the Earth before the existence of humanity; Aphrodite and his son Erosthey were surprised by Typhoon. After hiding in the river euphrates they were transformed into fish, tied to each other so as not to get lost, swim quickly and safely against the titans. In this way, the legend of the symbol of Pisces. Join us to discover everything about this sign.

like the Greek mythologythe astrology It has legends and characteristics that surprise more than one when discovering them. Piscesin its sign condition of the element Watershare this trinity with Cancer Y Scorpionbeing considered the comprehensive individual of the zodiac, although it symbolizes dissolution.

In the Astral chart, Pisces it is the twelfth sun signthe sixth of feminine negative nature and of modality mutable. It is ruled by the eighth and fifth planets in distance from the Sun, Neptune and Jupiter, respectively. His compatibility at all is the Earth element sign, Virgo.

Those born between February 19 and March 20, have a outgoing personality That makes her surround herself with many people at the same time. You will hardly be able to find a person under this sign who is alone. For this reason, if that person you are attracted to is a Pisces, you will have to “make bite the bullet” and accept their constant interaction.

However, the fidelity it is a virtue for them and they will always believe in their partner and in love. Pisces it’s a romantic par excellence, faithful, tender and generous with deep emotions that you need to overflow true passion with your partner. If you consider having an affair with them it is likely to be for a long time as they are not used to keeping short-term relationships.

Once you manage to conquer it, will fall in love madly at you and you will have him by your side. They are people who like to give gifts and details to their partner, in love they will give everything. Therefore, you must take care of your relationship with dedication and intelligence, since under no circumstances will you forgive a infidelity.

It is likely that, if you make the mistake and she finds out, you will let the passions of the moment pass to calculate the right and indicated moment to say «goodbye». In a similar way it happens with his friendships. This sign has the singularity of trusting people too soon and often, at the first mistake, they feel cheated.

In addition to the compassion for the neighbor that he feels Piscesis especially Tender to the point of postponing their needs to support their friends. For them, no problem seems to be of great magnitude and instead of worrying about the eventuality, they deal with it swiftly and quickly, in order to provide the corresponding timely response.

Have the support of a pisceancan be considered an advantage because they are individuals lovers of spirituality, who reject destructive criticism and cruelty of any kind. It is Intuitivesensitive to art, wise and with a musical sense.