All about CANDLE DAY

Also known as night of the candles, the day of the candles It is one of the most popular festivities in Colombia. The celebration coincides with the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, which It is celebrated every December 8.

Although the rituals vary depending on each region of the country, the day of the candles usually begins on the night of December 7, a night in which the streets and homes are illuminated with candles and lanterns. With this holiday, Christmas festivities kick off in Colombia.


Meaning of the day of the candles

There are many Colombians who, year after year, start the night of December 7 with a lighting of candles and lanterns. But, What meaning does the well-known day of the candles have?

The answer lies in religiongiven that December 8 commemorates the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

The spiritual and magical connotation of lighting candles has become a party of music, joy and revelry on the day of the candles, which despite its updating continues to retain a traditional value.

In addition, this Colombian holiday has become the date that marks the beginning of Christmas celebrations in the country, giving rise to days of light loaded with symbolism and family unity.

History of the day of the candles

To understand even more, if possible, the day of the candles, we must go back to history. In 1854 Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

In the Bull, the pontifical document that he used, he marked December 8th like the day the Virgin Mary was chosen to bring Jesus into the worldin a clean, pure way, free from sin in body, soul and understanding, being the light.

On that date, all the pilgrims present before the words of Pope Pius IX thousands of candles were lit in an atmosphere of prayer, participating in the vigil defined by the Pope. And since then, year after year millions of people light candles, torches and lanterns in gratitude to the woman who was the light and gave birth to Jesus.

Day of the candles in Colombia: other interesting data

The day of the candles is one of the best known festivities in Colombia, but it is true that in each region it has been adapted and celebrated in one way or another, always preserving the tradition of lighting candles that commemorates and gives meaning to this celebration.

We know the day of the candles in the best known regions of the country:

The day of the candles in Bogotá

candles are lit and lanterns are hung in the windows only on the eve of December 7. It is here that the name of the candles is born, since it is a region where this diminutive is often used to provoke affection and sympathy.

Currently, they are carried out evening activities for the whole family, in addition to lengthening business hours. The light show in the Colpatria tower or the fireworks in this celebration are an attraction for all Colombians.

Barranquilla and the day of the candles

Here the celebration of the day of the candles begins on the night of December 7 and marks the start date of the Christmas festivities. As it is a region characterized by the trade winds, they usually place the candles inside colorful handmade lanterns in front of houses during the early hours of December 8.

Cali also celebrates this holiday

The celebration starts on the night of December 7 when the inhabitants of the region they place candles and lanterns on the edge of the platformseach of them separated between 20 and 30 centimeters, where they are allowed to be completely consumed.

It is also common to hang lanterns on the trees, sing Christmas carols, set off gunpowder or taste delicious traditional dishes such as fritters or custard.

The manufacture of the lanterns is also an enjoyment where union and family joy reigns.

Cartagena of indies

In the beautiful Cartagena de Indias, the day of the candles is celebrated on both December 7 and 8. Music, party, cavalcades through the center historic and a cheerful atmosphere is made with the streets of the city, without forgetting the decorations and the candles that are lit on the terraces of the houses forming beautiful illuminated paths.

The day of the candles in Medellin

In the city of Medellín, the day of the candles begins on December 7 and continues on December 8. During these two days, candles and lanterns illuminate all the houses and streets of the city and families gather together to celebrate the day. of the Immaculate Conception.

Did you know…?

It is very common that, with the melted wax of the candles, the children and adolescents of the city make balls in the Candelada del Diablo, a popular Christmas custom in the country.

Likewise, with this celebration the inauguration of the christmas lighting in the city. The cultural activities, pyrotechnics and the Christmas decoration mark the beginning of Christmas, one of the tourist attractions of the city.

candlelight day decoration

The main characteristic of the day of the candles is light millions of candles and lights commemorating the day of the Immaculate Conception.

But it has become customary in many regions for families to get together to prepare the decorations that give even more meaning to this festivity.

The most common are lanterns that are usually made by hand in the form of a truncated pyramid. They are usually prepared with wood that is later covered with green, yellow, blue or red cellophane paper.

It is also common to see them covered with paper with Christmas prints. Another option is to prepare lamps made from bottles in the shape of flowers, where the candles are placed inside.

Finally we leave you with a video of the meaning of the day of the candles, which explains the reasons why it is celebrated on December 8 and the story behind it.

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