All 87 Black Dog Breeds | With pictures [2024] –

In total there are 87 dog breeds with black fur. Many of them are also available with a different coat color. Only a few are only available in black.

Apart from their fur color, these four-legged friends don't have much in common. Some are lap dogs, while others serve primarily as hunting and guard dogs.

In addition, such breeds are generally considered relatively rare. It's not for nothing that animal shelters talk about “Black Dog Syndrome” because they are adopted less often. [1]

To make your search easier, I have classified all black breeds according to size in the following overview. All you need to do is click on the image.

Below we'll go through all 87 black dog breeds together. You will also learn about their properties, characteristics and special features.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher is the ideal four-legged friend. Because this black dog doesn't smell and is often described as hypoallergenic. He is also very loving. [2]

Fun fact: We humans often find the blindness of puppies after birth particularly sweet. However, the little four-legged friends find running blindly against the wall of the cupboard less cool.

#2 Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is silly and cheerful. But his character is also characterized by independence and loyalty. He lives up to 15 years and has very long hair. [3]

Fun fact: At the next horse race: “Well, I’m betting on the brown stallion, he looks promising.” – “I’m guessing the Afghan Hound.” And this estimate is more than justified. Because he really is as fast as a professional racehorse.

#3 Akita

The Akita is moderately trainable. His loyal character is particularly beautiful. The black dog is not for beginners and requires intensive training. [4]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend is like a bear. No, not a gummy bear, even if it's about as sweet. What this means is that he stands on his hind paws and uses his front paws for boxing.

#4 American Bully

The American Bully is an extremely muscular dog. Life expectancy is 8 to 12 years. He is very protective of his family. [5]

Fun fact: “Bully” is, among other things, the term for a person who bullies others.

#5 American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pitbull Terrier is partially banned in some countries, such as New Zealand or Great Britain. Because the black dog breed is considered dangerous. [6]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend has made a steep career change. When bull-baiting was banned, he was simply retrained as a babysitter. Ideal with this immense loyalty.

#6 American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel is unsuitable as a guard dog. After all, he behaves far too friendly towards strangers. He is also rather calm. [7]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend could also use his long ears as a blanket or leg warmer. They are so big that they sometimes exceed the length of your legs.

#7 Australian Kelpie

The Australian Kelpie is very territorial. So an ideal guard dog. Also due to the fact that this black dog is very trainable. [8]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend has a secret passion or talent. He can surf! And not only that. A dog named “Abbie Girl” surfed a wave over a whopping 107 meters.

#8 Barbet

The Barbet has a cute teddy bear-like appearance. You could even say that from a distance he looks like a living XXL teddy bear. [9]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend loves to bathe. And before you get excited, we're talking brown, muddy mud holes here. A visit to the bathtub afterwards is mandatory.

#9 Borzoi

The Borzoi is a respectful black dog breed. He is one of the long-haired dogs. His snout is also very long. At 31 cm, the longest in the world. [10]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend is a real beauty. That's why he's even called the “Glamour Girl” in his home country. It has therefore often been presented on fashion catwalks.

#10 Beauceron

The Beauceron generally gets along well with other dogs and pets. In general, his character is friendly, gentle and loyal. [11]

Fun fact: A good wine takes a long time to mature, just like Beauceron. Not the usual 15 months, but an impressive 2.5 times as long.

#11 Bergamasque Shepherd Dog

The Bergamasco Shepherd Dog brings a lot of patience and intelligence. Just like his beautiful black fur, which fortunately this dog doesn't lose much. [12]

Fun fact: You can safely save on brushes here. It's not advisable at all, because the fur of these black dogs will get tangled one way or another – even daily brushing won't help.

#12 Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog sheds so much that a good vacuum cleaner is a must. His fluffy fur makes the beautiful dog the ideal cuddly partner. [13]

Fun fact: A mother dog of this breed is truly playing the lottery. She can have as few as 5 puppies or as many as 15 puppies at once. Let's hope she's not a single parent.

#13 Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan Coonhound is less recommended for city life because the black dog breed is very active. Despite this, he has a strange tendency to be overweight. [14]

Fun fact: If you hear bangs from the next room, it's not because the neighbors are having a marital crisis. You just hear the long ears of this sweet four-legged friend.

#14 Border Collie

The Border Collie comes from Great Britain. This is the ultimate German Shepherd breed. This four-legged friend is very trainable and lively. [15]

Fun fact: Not only awesome on four paws, but also on four wheels. The border collie named “Jumpy” can skateboard 100 meters in under 20 seconds.

#15 Bouvier des Flandres

The Bouvier des Flandres has a strong herding instinct. This black, curly-haired dog is familiar and loyal. It is also usually suitable for allergy sufferers.[16]

Fun fact: Water to go. Albeit unintentionally, because he simply drags it in his beard after drinking.

#16 Brandlbracke

The Brandlbrack is particularly good-natured and eager. Therefore it is also suitable for beginners and seniors. She also gets along well with children. [17]

Fun fact: We have a real glutton here. The Brandlbracke is really always hungry. Every diet comes too late if it ever finds the feed bag.

#17 Briard

The Briard. What is striking about this black dog breed is that it is very trusting and self-confident. Ideal since it is a police dog breed. [18]

Fun fact: Dumbledore as a dog. At least this four-legged friend could clearly compete with him with the length of his beard.

#18 Ca de Bestiary

The Ca de Bestiar really needs a lot of exercise and also barks a lot. He is primarily used as a guard and farm dog because he has a lot of energy and courage. [19]

Fun fact: These dogs have “standing, floppy ears”. Because half of them stand up stiffly, but the rest hang limply down.

#19 Cairn Terriers

The Cairn Terrier only weighs around 6 kg. He has a natural instinct to bark. This also makes the black dog an ideal guard dog. [20]

Fun fact: Not only people, dogs can also be right-handed or left-handed. This four-legged friend is left-handed. You can tell this because they always feel unknown things with their left paws.

#20 Cane Corso Italiano

Practically speaking, the Cane Corso Italiano only sheds moderately. He is also the ideal guard and protection dog, although today he serves more as a family dog. [21]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend can even compete against a lion. A kind of hairy Hulk, you might think. Just less green…

#21 Cao da Serra de Aires

The Cão da Serra de Aires comes from Portugal. He usually gets along well with cats and other pets. This black dog breed is also ideal for beginners. [22]

Fun fact: Do you enjoy working a lot? Then congratulations! Here we have your dog version. Because this four-legged friend loves work and activity just as much.

#22 Cão de Água Português

The Cão de Água Português sheds very little. But that's just one advantage. He is also easy to train and only barks moderately. He also shows himself obedient and courageous. [23]

Fun fact: Career as a singer? In any case! When he barks high, his fans are happy; when he barks low, they are more likely to run away.

#23 Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is a small dog with pointed ears. The black dog only weighs between 2 and 3 kg and has a life expectancy of 20 years. [24]

Fun fact: We already know not very nice nicknames. However, this four-legged friend is now officially known in America as a “purse dog”.

#24 Chodsky Pes

The Chodský Pes does not like loneliness. On the contrary! He needs social contacts. He even develops a loyal protective instinct towards children. [25]

Fun fact: If this four-legged friend doesn't get any attention from you, he'll get it somewhere else. If necessary, also from other pets.

#25 Chow Chow

The Chow Chow has a bit of a foot fetish. Because this black dog breed always wants to lie around the owner's feet. He needs less exercise. [26]

Fun fact: Don't worry, your four-legged friend didn't swallow any lollipop. This black and blue tongue is natural and was caused by a genetic defect in one of the youngest animals of this breed.

#26 Curly Coated Retriever

The Curly Coated Retriever. Intelligence, pride and self-confidence characterize his character. As well as his very good trainability and his cleverness. [27]

Fun fact: That moment when you straighten your hair and halfway through you just don't feel like it anymore. This is roughly what this four-legged friend looks like. Curls everywhere, only the face is nice and smooth.

#27 Dachshund

The Dachshund is a black dog that is very friendly with the family. But he also gets along excellently with children. However, he is rather skeptical of strangers. [28]

Fun fact: Small but nice. This four-legged friend was originally primarily a hunting dog. Unimaginable, right?

#28 Great Dane

The Great Dane has a loving and friendly character. However, it is still not suitable for first-time owners. Nevertheless, she is people-oriented. [29]

Fun fact: When this four-legged friend wants to cuddle, he tends to forget his weight. It will then literally be a “heavy” cuddle session.

#29 German Hunting Terrier

The German hunting terrier is considered to be very loyal and trusting to the family. In addition, the hunting instinct of this black dog breed is usually…