All 7 Pinscher species with pictures [2024] –

All Pinscher species are originally descended from the German Pinscher. But the best known is the Doberman, which is currently the 17th most popular breed internationally.

The least popular, however, is the Harlequin Pinscher, which died out during the Second World War. Where the name “Pinscher” comes from is currently still controversial.

The American Dog Association claims it comes from the French verb “pincer.” Pinschers are known for being able to kill mice with a bite.

Others claim it comes from the English “pincher”. In the past, the ears of these dogs were usually cropped – i.e. cut to a point.

Nowadays, however, this brutal practice is banned. Below you will find a list of all Pinscher species:

  • #1 Affenpinscher
  • #2 Dansk-Svensk Gårdshund
  • #3 German Pinscher
  • #4 Doberman Pinscher
  • #5 Austrian Pinscher
  • #6 Miniature Pinscher
  • #7 Harlequin Pinscher

The Doberman is by far the largest Pinscher species with a shoulder height of 63 to 72 cm. The Affenpinscher is the smallest breed at 23-30 cm. [1]

In the past, pinschers were mainly used on farms to get rid of rats and mice. But they are also excellent guard and family dogs.

In addition, they are considered intelligent, courageous and have a strong hunting instinct. Then let's take a closer look at the individual breeds.

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#1 Affenpinscher

The Affenpinscher may look similar to a monkey, but it comes from Germany. When fully grown, it weighs just 4 kg and is only 23-30 cm tall.

This rare type of Pinscher is ideal for first-time owners. She gets along well with strange dogs. However, it is not recommended for small children and babies.

“Affies” are ideal apartment dogs. They shed very little and don't smell, but they are anything but easy to care for. They are often considered hypoallergenic too.

The four-legged friends don't like to stay alone at all. They need a lot of attention and little sleep.

Don't worry, these dogs don't bark much. They are considered very playful, loving, self-confident and fearless.

However, this type of Pinscher is less trainable. She has a moderately developed hunting instinct and needs a lot of exercise. It tolerates heat and cold well.

Affenpinschers are very adaptable and can live up to 14 years. Since they are very territorial, they also make good guard dogs. [2]

Fun fact: Caution! Their toys or annexed possessions belong only to them, so they are very territorial. So it's better to stay away!

#2 Dansk-Svensk Gårdshund

The extremely easy-care Dansk-Svensk Gårdshund (English Danish-Swedish Farmdog) is a calm and intelligent four-legged friend.

He is a perfect family dog ​​for beginners who want a small dog that loves children. When fully grown, it is only 30-39 cm tall and can live up to 15 years.

This type of Pinscher learns commands very easily. She gets along well with other dogs. However, she sometimes appears skeptical towards strangers.

You shouldn't have any other pets. Because the four-legged friends chase after everything that moves. That's why her great love is the throwing game.

No wonder why they are very popular throughout Scandinavia, especially among farmers. Because they keep rats away from the house. They are also great hunting and guard dogs.

With enough exercise, the dogs can also be kept in apartments. But they shed and bark a lot. They don't like to stay alone.

This type of Pinscher needs a lot of attention and activity. Despite its size, the energetic dwarf is relatively fast. He gets along well with cold and heat. [3]

Fun fact: This breed is also called “Little Big Dog” in English-speaking countries. Because the four-legged friends are very small, but they behave like big ones!

#3 German Pinscher

Did you know that dogs can smile? The German Pinscher is one of those dog breeds where you can see it very clearly.

This type of Pinscher was originally intended to keep rats and mice away. Later she mostly served as a guard dog. She only barks when she thinks it's necessary, but then very loudly.

The 43-51 cm little guy is not only ideal for families, but also as a dog for seniors. However, children under 9 years should be supervised.

He doesn't hesitate for a second when it comes to protecting his family. He learns commands easily. It's also great for training.

However, these dogs are not couch potatoes. On the contrary. They are very playful and lively. They require a lot of effort and dedication. They hate loneliness.

This type of Pinscher is therefore not recommended for apartments. Despite the short fur, the four-legged friend is not easy to care for and sheds moderately heavily.

He doesn't get along well with other pets because his hunting instinct is usually too strong. He is often aggressive towards strange dogs of the same gender. [4]

Fun fact: Toys are dear to them, but dear to you! Because these playful animals destroy toys in record time.

#4 Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman comes from Germany and is one of the 10 most intelligent dog breeds in the world. Some even claim that they are also the most beautiful dogs.

The former fighting dog is often viewed as aggressive. A prejudice because he is very trusting and loyal to his family. But he has to get used to children first.

This type of Pinscher is not a fan of cold weather or loneliness. It is considered energetic, fearless and self-confident. Nevertheless, they react sensitively to criticism.

If you don't mind the drooling and all the hair, you can also keep these elegant four-legged friends in your apartment. They also bark very little.

The medium-sized dogs also make great jogging partners. But if you encounter strange dogs, you should have them well under control. They often react aggressively to others of their own kind.

This type of Pinscher can be trained well. Their hunting instinct is very weak. She therefore makes a good guard dog and protector.

Unfortunately, these dogs also often fell victim to the docking craze. Her ears were cut to a point and glued up to make her more “pretty”. [5]

Fun fact: Dobermans are among the best bodyguards in the world. This must have been very convenient for their original breeder, a tax collector.

#5 Austrian Pinscher

Przykuta, CC BY-SA 2.5 & Birkenheide, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Yes, you read that right. Austrian Pinscher. This type of Pinscher has great similarities to a Beagle, including in terms of personality.

The medium-sized dog breed is friendly, playful and lively. At 42-50 cm, she is slightly larger than her doppelganger. The animals can also live up to 14 years.

They are also great beginner dogs for families and seniors. They are very fond of children and don't bark. They don't like to stay alone.

They get along well with dogs and pets. However, they are usually reserved and suspicious of strangers.

These dogs are not recommended for city life and apartments. They need too much exercise and love to run around freely in meadows.

They also shed a lot. Their short fur is very resilient. This means they can cope well in any weather.

Unfortunately, this species of Pinscher is threatened with extinction. Because it was originally bred in Austria for farm work, which is now done by machines. [6]

Fun fact: How many jobs can these dogs take on? All. Because they are suitable as a shepherd, guard dog, as well as a hunting and family dog.

#6 Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher (“Min Pin”) is the king of lap dogs. It is only 25-32 cm tall and can live up to 15 years. It only weighs around 4 kg.

Unfortunately, he also has a strong tendency to be overweight. Lots of exercise, activity and good nutrition are therefore important.

This type of Pinscher is very adaptable, but not with cold weather. She gets cold quickly. She feels at home in city apartments as well as in houses in the country.

The four-legged friend does little to shed hair. He always wants to be near his mistress or master. He hates being alone. He doesn't get along well with dogs either. [7]

He's great as a fearless guard dog, but not always reliable. He likes to escape and barks a lot. He is also very territorial and protective, especially when it comes to his treasures.

The Min Pin is well suited for beginners and families. This type of Pinscher is playful, friendly, sociable and sensitive. Because she is stubborn, she is a little harder to train.

You should be careful with small children! Because they could very easily injure the dwarves because of their clumsiness. In fact, injuries are the leading cause of death at 20%.

Fun fact: Min Pins find all escape routes. If they want to get out, they almost always manage to do so. They are real escape artists.

#7 Harlequin Pinscher

The Harlequin Pinscher is a subspecies of the Miniature Pinscher. However, this previously rare Pinscher species died out during the Second World War.

These four-legged friends are also known colloquially as the “spotted pinscher”. It is still unknown which breeds they were bred from. [8]

These small dogs are primarily known for their active and energetic nature. Farmers in particular used them to hunt vermin.

But they also made great family dogs and got along great with children. However, staying alone was not one of the little four-legged friends' strengths.

On the other hand, they were more cautious and skeptical towards strangers. This also applies to strange dogs. When fully grown, the four-legged friends only weighed around 12 kg.

The spotted coat of this type of Pinscher is said to have been caused by a genetic defect in a Rat Terrier. This also explains why they often had health problems.

The small dogs were also known for chewing on everything. Especially when they didn't get enough mental and physical activity. [9]

Fun fact: Although these dogs have been extinct for around 80 years, there is still an active fan community for this breed today – the so-called “Harlequin Pinscher Association”.

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