All 38 dogs with curls

There are dogs with different types of fur. Some have short, straight hair, others have long shaggy hair. Here you will learn about 38 dog breeds with curly hair:

  • #1 Barbet
  • #2 Bichon Frize
  • #3 Curly Coated Retriever
  • #4 Irish Water Spaniel
  • #5 Bobtail
  • #6 Cão de Água Português
  • #7 Welsh Terriers
  • #8 Bouvier des Flandres
  • #9 Poodle
  • #10 German Quail Dog
  • #11 American Water Spaniel
  • #12 Kerry Blue Terrier
  • #13 Schapendoes
  • #14 Mudi
  • #15 Lagotto Romagnolo
  • #16 Pumi
  • #17 Lhasa Apso
  • #18 Perro de Agua Español
  • #19 Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • #20 Gos d'Atura Català
  • #21 Russian Black Terrier
  • #22 Bolognese
  • #23 Coton de Tulear
  • #24 Kuvasz
  • #25 Cao da Serra de Aires
  • #26 South Russian Ovcharka
  • #27 Bedlington Terrier
  • #28 Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen
  • #29 Tibetan Terrier
  • #30 American Cocker Spaniel
  • #31 Wetterhoun
  • #32 Maltese
  • #33 Briard
  • #34 West Highland White Terrier
  • #35 Airedale Terriers
  • #36 Shih Tzu
  • #37 Havanese
  • #38 Scottish Terrier

Incidentally, curls are often an indication that the dogs don't shed much. This also explains why many of the above breeds are considered hypoallergenic.

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#1 Barbet

The Barbet is an obedient, good-natured dog from France. This curly breed sheds very little and is highly trainable.

From the beginning, these four-legged friends were kept as domestic dogs. They were rarely used as hunting or rescue dogs.

These curly-haired dogs get along very well with cold and heat. They are very trusting towards the family, but still require consistent training. [1]

Fun fact: When these dogs sleep on the sofa, they are almost indistinguishable from a toy teddy bear.

#2 Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frisé comes from Spain, Belgium and France. This curious, curly-haired dog was often kept on sailing ships there.

Today, these soft fur balls are primarily lap and family dogs. They are now the 9th most popular dog breed. [2]

Bichon Frisés stay with you for a long time. On average they live to be 15-21 years old. Their balance makes them suitable for first-time owners and families with children.

Fun fact: These dogs are so sweet that the word “bichonner” has even been officially recognized for them. Translated from French it means to pamper or pamper. Who can even resist a smooch like that?

#3 Curly Coated Retriever

The Curly Coated Retriever from England is a clever four-legged friend with curly fur. In the past, it was primarily kept as a hunting dog for water and land birds.

Today, this playful, intelligent four-legged friend also makes a wonderful family dog. He is very loyal to his family. He also loves to run around with children. [3]

Their curly coat is very easy to care for. This type of retriever makes excellent swimmers. They are great for first-time owners, but require a lot of exercise and utilization.

Fun fact: These dogs love to carry things around in their mouths. It doesn't matter whether it's decoration, the newspaper or chic shoes.

#4 Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel comes from Ireland and is one of the largest breeds of the 23 spaniel species. Bred as a hunting dog, today it is often kept as a family dog.

With his long floppy ears and curly fur, this alert, active four-legged friend is guaranteed to attract attention. If not with that, then at least with his silly manner.

Due to the tight curl structure, these spaniels hardly shed at all. They are great swimmers and can also be used as hunting or guard dogs. [4]

Fun fact: If you like rats, then this might be the ideal dog for you. The “Rat Tail Spaniel” has a very thin, long tail without fur – a rat tail.

#5 Bobtail

The Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog) comes from England and was kept there as a sheepdog. This lively four-legged friend has a very strong herding instinct. [5]

If they are kept as a family dog, they also like to look after the family or their children. They also have curly fur that is waterproof.

These large, gentle animals are well suited for beginners. But they need a lot of attention and don't like to be left alone.

Fun fact: The Bobtail is a giant teddy bear in dog fur. This doesn't just mean his cute appearance, but above all his bear-like gait.

#6 Cão de Água Português

The Cão de Água Português (Portuguese water dog) is an intelligent, persistent four-legged friend. He is very trainable with a moderate hunting instinct.

These curly-haired water dogs live up to 14 years. They were once trained by fishermen to drive fish into nets.

You can often see the so-called “lion cut” on these dogs, in which the hind legs are shaved bald and a kind of mane is formed at the front. [6]

Fun fact: If you thought all dogs barked the same, then you've never heard a water dog! These four-legged friends bark in different octaves. All sounds can be present, from deep hums to high-pitched screams of joy.

#7 Welsh Terriers

The Welsh Terrier is a trusting, lively terrier with a very strong hunting instinct. He needs a lot of exercise and tends to bark a lot. [7]

This curly-haired dog breed from Wales was bred to hunt small animals. They shed so little that they are now also popular with allergy sufferers.

These small terriers are well suited for beginners and apartment keeping, but they still need a lot of exercise and activity. They get along well with dogs and children.

Fun fact: These dogs love to climb and keep an eye on things from above. This probably explains why they jump around on your tables or cupboards more often.

#8 Bouvier des Flandres

The Bouvier des Flandres from Belgium was originally bred for farm work. Nowadays, this four-legged friend with the curly fur is often a guard or family dog. [8]

This friendly, courageous dog sheds very little and is very trainable. He is strong and very persistent, so he needs a lot of mental and physical exercise.

Early socialization and consistent training are mandatory for these dogs, otherwise they tend to be aggressive or dominant. So not suitable for beginners.

Fun fact: Do you have a good mop? You'll need it all the time, because these four-legged friends generally leave a huge puddle behind after drinking. This is due to her beard, which absorbs water like a sponge when she drinks.

#9 Poodle

The Poodle from Germany is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. No wonder, these curly-haired dogs are super intelligent and very trainable. [9]

They come in four different sizes, from small to large. This breed can be used in a variety of ways, both as a lap dog and as a hunting dog.

Poodles are suitable for living in an apartment if you train them consistently and provide them with enough activity. Even first-time owners get along well with these dogs.

Fun fact: Many hairdressers keep these four-legged friends as pets. Because their hair never stops growing, you can regularly give them the wildest hairstyles.

#10 German Quail Dog

The gentle German Quail Dog was once kept as a hunting dog. Today it is represented internationally and is increasingly used as a family dog. [10]

This sniffing nose with long floppy ears and curly fur is very versatile. This intelligent dog gets along well with children and other dogs.

This breed is also suitable for beginners. However, you should not underestimate the strong hunting instinct. Quail dogs need a lot of exercise and exercise.

Fun fact: The “German Spaniel” not only has a good sense of smell, but is also considered very curious. When women have their periods, their snouts tend to go between their legs.

#11 American Water Spaniel

The American Water Spaniel comes from the USA and is one of the dog breeds with curly fur. It was originally bred as a waterfowl hunting dog.

He is now often kept as a family dog ​​breed. This highly trainable, energetic dog is by no means made for the apartment. [11]

This four-legged friend wants to swim, dig and be mentally and physically exercised. If he doesn't get enough exercise, he often shows this with constant barking.

Fun fact: To swim? No problem for these dogs. Heat? No problem. Children? No problem. Stay alone for 5 minutes? Helpee!

#12 Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier from Ireland is a clever, gentle dog that is considered the national dog there. He was used as a working, guard and sheepdog.

This four-legged friend with curly fur is less suitable for first-time owners. He needs strict upbringing and early socialization, otherwise he will be too rebellious. [12]

This strong-willed four-legged friend is often aggressive towards strange dogs. On the other hand, he really likes people and children. He also loves to dig, hunt and gnaw.

Fun fact: The hair of these dogs grows back particularly quickly. To be more precise, their fur will completely grow back after around 4-6 weeks.

#13 Schapendoes

The Schapendoes is an alert, trusting dog from the Netherlands. It is one of 56 German Shepherd breeds. Today he is also a popular house dog. [13]

In addition to their shaggy, curly hair, these dogs are also bearded. They need a lot of attention and want to be kept busy. They don't like to stay alone.

Many Schapendoes tend to be stubborn and are therefore only moderately trainable and only recommended for experienced owners.

Fun fact: These curly shaggy dogs are always ready for a snack! They tend to be constantly hungry and are therefore particularly often overweight.

#14 Mudi

The Mudi is an active, eager dog from Hungary. He was primarily kept as a sheepdog. He is an ace at this. A single Mudi can look after up to 500 sheep alone.

The small, curly-haired dog is very persistent and protective of its people. He therefore likes to follow his owners wherever he goes. [14]

This active, energetic dog is not suitable for living in an apartment. He loves playing Frisbee and exercising. Barking loudly is also one of his hobbies.

Fun fact: These dogs were previously specially trained to herd sheep by constantly barking. Even as family dogs, they rarely break this habit.

#15 Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo (Italian water dog from Romagnol) was used both as a hunting dog and for searching for truffles. [15]

This loyal, undemanding…