All 16 pointing dog breeds (with pictures & information)

Pointing dogs are among the most popular hunting dogs, which are also the most frequently listed.

From a German point of view, they are divided into German pointers, English pointers and other continental pointers.

These dog breeds are in the fields Field, water and forest suitable for all taskswhich can approach hunting dogs.

In this article we will introduce you to all pointing dog breeds.

German Wirehaired Pointer (DD)

This breed is the most popular German pointer breed. The males grow up to 68 cm, the females up to 64 cm.

The colors vary between different shades of brown, black and mold.

The Deutsch-Drahthaar is versatile for hunting and is characterized by a lot of willingness to work and self-confidence.

German Shorthaired Pointer

Males of this breed can grow up to 66 cm tall, females reach a maximum shoulder height of 63 cm.

The fur is brown, brown-roan or black-roan. The fur nose is a faithful, balanced and energetic hunting dog.

German Longhaired Pointer

The pointing dog breed is characterized by a faithful look, the cute wavy fur on the ears and a special friendliness out of.

The breed is very passionate and males can reach a shoulder height of 70 cm. Bitches grow up to 66 cm.

The fur noses have brown, brown-white or mold-colored fur.

German stichelhaar

This hound is rough-haired and can reach a maximum shoulder height of 66 cm. The fur colors vary between brown and white and grey-brown mottled.

The breed is characterized by a special Protective instinct and a calm, willing to learn nature out of. In addition, the four-legged friend is very alert.


This originally French breed is characterized by intelligence, independence and good nature.

The fur nose needs one regular routine and a familiar environment.

Males reach a shoulder height of 64 cm and females 60 cm. Their coat can be white with tan, blue-grey, and solid brown with streaks of gray.

Large Munsterlander

This German fur nose can reach up to 65 cm (males) or 60 cm (females). The fur colors vary between white with spots and black roan.

The quadruped’s head is always black with a white blaze or snout and the breed is good at to track down the lost.

This breed is characterized by its wide range of uses. She is loyal, playful, wants to please and is very active.

Small Munsterlander

Males of this breed reach a maximum shoulder height of 56 cm, bitches can grow to 54 cm.

The fur is long-haired and comes in the colors brown and white or brown and roan. This fur nose is the smallest German pointer.

The four-legged friend is affectionate, fond of children and happy and is very motivated when it comes to his work.

poodle pointer

The poodle pointer is rough-haired and is characterized by its beard and the bushy eyebrows out of. The male can reach up to 68 cm, the female 63 cm.

Coat colors vary between dark and medium brown, dry leaf colors and black.

The fur nose is very intelligent and loves working in and around the water. In addition, she is easy to train, works with people and loves to hunt.


This fur nose is also a German pointer breed that is both short and long haired can be. They are intelligent, loving and independent.

Males can reach a shoulder height of 70 cm, females up to 65 cm. Coat colors vary between silver, fawn and mouse gray and everything in between.

english setters

This English pointing dog breed is long-haired and prefers to take on tasks in the field. Males grow up to 68 cm, females up to 65 cm.

The coat is black and white or silver and white. The English Setter is mal distant and sometimes cuddly and affectionate.

Gordon Setter

This four-legged beauty has long hair and prefers to work in the Forest. Males reach a shoulder height of 66 cm, females 62 cm.

The coat is charcoal black with chestnut markings. This giant is characterized by a balanced, powerful and open nature.

Irish Red Setters

The Irishman is long-haired and their coat color ranges from maroon to mahogany red. Both sexes grow to between 64 and 68 cm.

The fur nose is characterized by great leadership, endurance, the will to find something and its fine nose. she is versatile as a hunting dog.

Irish White and Red Setters

This Irish breed is long-haired and can grow up to 66 cm (male) or 61 cm (female).

The fur is white with red areas and spots. This hunting dog is characterized by a reliable, friendly and dedicated manner out of.


The Englishman is short-haired and his coat is one to three colored. Acceptable colors are lemon and white, orange and white, and black and white.

This fur nose prefers to work in the field and excels Courage, tolerance, self-confidence and patience as well as her child-friendly nature out of.

Magyar Vizsla (Hungarian Pointer)

The Hungarian has short and rough hair and can reach a shoulder height of 60 cm. The fur is dark bun yellow in various shades.

The fur nose is characterized by the fact that it attaches itself to its owner, very much loyal and obedient is.

Breton pointer

The Frenchman is medium haired and will sometimes born without a tail. Males can reach a shoulder height of 50 cm, females 49 cm.

The hunting dog is versatile. Its coat is white-red, white-black, or white-brown, or tricolor. The fur nose is delicate, sensitive and intelligent.


Pointing dogs are versatile and ambitious hunting dogs that tend to work closely with their humans.

Some of them have their preferred areas of application, others are versatile.

Although all breeds are hunting dogs, some of them are very obedient. Others, on the other hand, want to enforce their own decisions.

Which breed of pointing dogs did you already know and which ones were new to you? Let us know by leaving a comment below this post!