Akbash in Breed Portrait (With Pictures & Info)

Have you been thinking about getting a big dog for a while? But you don’t know which one to choose?

Then we’ll put you in our breed portrait the Akbash more precisely before.

What the gentle giant is all about and whether it suits you are just a few of the things we are going to tell you now.

Akbash profile

Size Male: 74 to 81 cm Female: 71 to 79 cmWeightMale: 41 to 64 kg, Female: 41 kgColorsPale yellow, whiteLife expectancy10 to 12 yearsOriginTürkiyecharacter/temperamentindependent, intelligent, brave, courageous, alert, loyal, reliable, fearless, self-confident, proud, dominant, strong-willed, alert, calm, balancedFCI groupGroup 2: Pinschers and Schnauzers – Molossoids – Swiss Mountain Dogs and other breeds Section 2: Molossoids (as Anatolian Shepherd Dog) Note: No official recognition as a separate breed!


The Akbash, also known as the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, immediately catches the eye with one feature:

His sizewhich can make one or the other unsuspecting passerby’s heart slide into their pants.

He has one muscular and at the same time very slim bodythe of relatively short legs will be carried.

In addition to the imposing size, the slightly angular head, which ends in floppy ears, immediately catches the eye.

The The appearance of the tail in this breed depends on the coat type. Is it one short-haired Akbashis this rolled up and often will on the back carried.

Is it one long-haired Akbashis the Tail fanned and bushy.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

As we just mentioned, the Akbash is both with both short and long fur. The short coat is smooth and can appear wiry.

The long fur on the other hand, lent the gentle giant the Optics of an oversized teddy bear (with which, of course, it should not be confused).

Regarding the colors come here exclusively pure white or pale yellow before.

eye colors

The Akbash has almond shaped eyeswho look at the world with vigilance and curiosity. They are usually from one deep brown.

Height Weight

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is one of the largest dog breeds in the world and belongs to the Turkish dog breeds.

Even if the females here are a little smaller and lighter than the males, they also reach an impressive size and weight.

female become of this breed between 71 and 79 centimeters high, but weigh comparatively slim 41 kilograms.

A Akbash male turn, a shoulder height between 74 and 81 centimeters reach and a weight that between 41 and 64 kilograms lies.

History & Origin of Akbash

Also known by the name Anatolian Shepherd Dog, the Akbash is native from Turkey.

It is a very old breed, which was used by Turkish shepherds hundreds of years ago shepherd dog was used.

Also as travel companion acted the Akbash. He is said to have come to Greece with Turkish travelers, where he in turn participated in the local Breed Hellenikos Poimenikos should have been involved.

In Turkey, this breed is something like a national dog and enjoys a very high reputation here.

Since the late 1970s also knows the rest of the world this beautiful dog.

Nevertheless, it is a very rare breed of dog in Germany. This breed is all the more popular in the USA and in Canada.

Already knew?

Translated, the name Akbash means something like «white head». The breed probably owes its name to the light-colored snout.

In addition, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog supergenus is divided into four subcategories: Akbash, Karabas, Kangal and Kars.

Essence & Character of Akbash

There is a myth that a large dog is much calmer than a small dog. That’s definitely true of the Akbash, the one in particular calm and balanced temperament should have.

In addition, it is attested very independent, strong-willed and self-confident to be.

As a shepherd dog, he naturally has one very pronounced guard and protective instinct. This one is paired with a brave and fearless beings.

Please note that the Akbash is also available as very dominant is applicable. So when training him, he has to learn quickly which of you two is the pack leader.

And also in terms of other dogs, he should learn to be early on dominance behavior not to make it too obvious.

If the Akbash is brought up and socialized appropriately, you will become one loyal and faithful companion who recognizes and accepts you as a reference person.

attitude & upbringing

Not only the impressive size of the Akbash, but also the character and temperament of this breed almost naturally have an influence on both the attitudeas well as education.


Almost all shepherd and herding dogs have one thing in common: they want to preferably all day in the fresh air spend.

And so it applies to the relative of the Akbash, the Kangal, that it should actually live best outside.

Maybe not quite so absolute here with the Akbash. Still, this big dog not for an apartment or city attitude suitable.

Instead, he’ll be much more comfortable if he’s allowed to live in a secured yard most of the time.

He also needs lots of work and exercise. A few short walks a day are not enough for this furry friend.

So if you want to live with this dog, you shouldn’t have a problem with it several times a day for at least 2 hours to be with him.

Good to know:

Please note that highly intelligent and therefore easily bored dogs Leaving them alone for long is never a good idea.


The proud and strong-willed Akbash needs clear rules and announcements as well as a strong hand in education.

It is true that education and species-appropriate socialization already take place in Puppy Age instead of. However, a strong physical hand is required for the fully-grown Akbash at the latest.

Because with sometimes over 60 kilograms fighting weight walking requires a lot of physical strength.

Since this dog is a very intelligent breed, he is particularly happy about intelligence training, which is also offered in a puppy or dog school.

By the way, attending a dog school makes a lot of sense if you don’t have much experience with dogs – and unfortunately this is absolutely necessary or recommended for Akbash.

Health & Care

Of course, the points of care and above all health are also important if you are considering living with an Akbash.

Grooming & General Grooming

With the long-haired dogs you should during the taking place twice a year coat change be ready to help with the brush.

Please note that this dog also loses some hair between these fur shedding times. That said, regular combing and brushing is always a good idea.

Regarding general care for the Akbash: The ears, eyes, paws and the mouth should be checked regularly to detect inflammation in good time. Or better yet, prevent them.

Since this breed is especially much in the fresh air, should also wormers and a current vaccination protection always included in the care program.


As a dog that spends a lot of time outside, the Akbash tends to be not to diseases typical of the breedthat could cause him problems.

Anyone who moves a lot, but can under age joint problems Suffer. And the ears, which hang down, can also be used by one or the other ear infection fall prey to

The can also occur hip dysplasia as well as the elbow dysplasia.

Life expectancy

Provided the Akbash enjoys adequate exercise and occupation, as well as plenty of love and affection and a species-appropriate diet, he can between 10 and 12 years to become old.

Is the Akbash right for me?

A question to which you ultimately need to know the answer. Here we give you a few points that you should include in your considerations.

The Akbash is big and weighs quite a bit. Are you rather a flyweight itselfwe advise you against this breed.

Because she needs someone who can’t be dragged around so quickly.

The same applies also for children. True, the Akbash suitable as a family dog.

Here, however, people should live in the household who have experience in leading large dogs.

The bigger the dog and the smaller the child, the higher the risk that it will simply be knocked over.

Akbash is ideal for you if you enough space for him as well as the Leisure and desire to be on the road a lot every day to be.

Are you looking for one? loyal and reliable watchdog, this breed is also perfect for you.

Fun facts about Akbash

As always in our breed portraits, there is one at the end some more fun facts or interesting facts.

The Akbash’s coat color and size have several advantages for him at work. Both “his” sheep and the predators think he is a sheep himself. What pleases the former makes life difficult for the latter.

The Akbash may fall under the potentially dangerous dog breed category in some states because of its size.

The Akbash is considered a very clean dog. And there’s a reason for that: the breed has a strong maternal instinct that favors this cleanliness.

Can you think of any other interesting facts about Akbash? Or would you like to share stories that you have already experienced with your Akbash? Then we would be happy if you do so in the comments 😊