Air signs: everything you need to know about them

The air signs They are usually a source of curiosity for those who want to know what are the characteristics that distinguish them from others and obviously, to know their compatibility in love and friendship.

Even in the zodiac we are all different. For this reason, there are signs of earth, fire, air and water (as well as the 4 elements). Although each zodiacal group has its particularities, the air ones are very different because they can radically define personality traits and their behaviors at a social level.

If you want us to reveal the darkest secrets of the air signs and tell you what their main characteristics are, then you will be interested in reading this article so that you can interpret their chameleon-like behavior:

What does air mean in the zodiac sign?

Belonging to this group of signs means that they have qualities that define their way of doing things and that reasoning, debating, and planning are the engines that drive them. The air element also represents communication and emotion. As in real life, the air flows and goes from one side to another, so people who belong to this zodiacal group tend to behave sometimes.

air signs of the zodiac

There are 12 signs of the zodiac, each one represents a month of the year and largely groups the personal conditions that define people. The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. These three may be the most relevant for the energy of the universe because they are absolutely perceptive and represent the generation of balance; without them, the world could not exist as we see it because their feeling of freedom drives the other signs to move forward.

Characteristic air signs

Air signs usually have very special characteristics. Some of the people belonging to this zodiacal group are usually:

  • Introverted but very intellectual.
  • Sensitive and emotional.
  • Intuitive and dreamy.
  • Free in their expression and act.
  • Analytics before acting.
  • Determined but unstable.
  • Thoughtful and direct.

air compatibility signs

It is true that the Gemini, Libra and Aquarius signs are usually complementary, but when it comes to expressing it in love and friendship, they have a hard time interacting with some of their peers. Here we present their best and worst compatibilities:

  • In love, They tend to do very well with people belonging to Leo, Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius, very peaceful and calm signs that generate confidence and for whom they feel empathy.
  • In the friendship their tendency is to get along wonderfully with Aries, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius, because they see in them the solidarity, understanding and communication that characterize them.
  • If you want to see sparksthe air signs do not get along very well with Scorpio, Taurus and Pisces, as they can collide in their impetus and stubbornness.

You may be interested in knowing which are the most attractive zodiac signs in the horoscope, maybe you want to experiment with one of them.