air fryer recipes that will make your life much easier, because it will not take many minutes to have delicious dishes to enjoy at your table.
Pay attention to the recipes that you can prepare in an air fryer, there is something for everyone and it won’t take more than a few minutes. In addition, you can take advantage of different ingredients that you have at home and surprise your guests.
How to make pork rinds without a drop of fat
In this note we teach you how to make crispy pork rinds with juicy meat to suck your fingers.
See the recipe for pork rinds without a drop of fat
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Air Fryer Recipes: Green Plantain Patacones
You like green plantain tostones or patacones, this recipe is without a drop of oil so you can eat them calmly and crispy.
How to make healthy chicken thighs
The best thing about air fryer recipes is that you can prepare everything you can imagine, that’s why some delicious chicken drumsticks are also a good option and here we give you the step by step so you can do them the right way.
Air Fryer Recipes: Natural French Fries
We could not leave out the delicious French fries, the best thing about this preparation is that you can eat them without remorse.
step by step brownies
Of course we couldn’t leave out a dessert and what better than some delicious marshmallow brownies to share with your guests.
We know that you are interested in learning hundreds of easy recipes that you can prepare at home for any occasion and with low budgets. Share it on your social networks!
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