Advantages of dogs in the office

Many companies and employers recognize that a pet-friendly workplace improves employee satisfaction, boosts morale and has a positive, motivating and performance-enhancing effect. Since 1999, when the national «Take Your Dog to Work» campaign was launched, efforts to bring dogs into the workplace have accelerated. In doing so, people become aware of how important their pets are in their lives for their physical and mental well-being. This should be beneficial not only in private life, but also in the workplace. The Federal Association of Office Dogs advocates including dogs in the workplace in order to counteract the «dramatic increase in mental illness and burnout in working life».

Multiple studies and research have shown that dogs provide social support, are able to reduce stress, increase cognitive ability and social interaction, and counteract depression and anxiety in humans. This not only benefits the owners, but also non-dog owners who share their working environment with their colleagues’ dogs, and ultimately the companies themselves. The reason is obvious: work-related stress can reduce concentration and work motivation, create a tense working environment , reduce employee performance and lead to burnout and increased absenteeism/sick leave. In contrast, having a dog in the office can bring significant benefits to employee health and productivity, which could help increase the productivity and efficiency of many businesses.

A research team compared three groups of employees. One group brought their dogs to work, the second left their dogs at home, and the third had no dogs. The study focused on the following factors: stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and social support. The results showed that having dogs in the office made a significant difference. For the group that had their dogs with them, there was a significant reduction in stress during the workday compared to the other groups. The presence of the dogs also provided more positive interaction (dog-related conversations) that would not have happened without them, and therefore a more relaxed work environment. Some non-dog owners even took the animals for a walk. Like the dog owners, they were reminded to take a break, pause and get some fresh air from time to time to take a mental break from stress.

Many companies, large and small, have already taken this step and allow dogs in the workplace. Dogs are also welcome in many of our offices and the advantages are obvious, not only for the employees but also for the animals themselves. Of course it is important to set some rules to ensure that everyone has clear expectations , if he brings his pets into the office, and that the work of the employees will not be disturbed, but once these rules are in place, everyone will see the benefits. Employers and companies that have not yet considered allowing their employees to bring their dogs to work should be encouraged to do so and experience all the benefits that it brings.