How sex is important for dogs? And how does mating work anyway?
If you have an unneutered male or female dog, you should ask yourself this question. Because this is where it plays well-being of your dog an important role.
You also need to know how the act works. In this article we look at the subject of dog sex.
Mating in Dogs – Do Dogs Need Sex?
Regardless of the mating required for reproduction, the question arises as to whether dogs generally need sex. animal psychologist Heinz Joachim Grauf means YES!
Since bitches in heat emit sexual substances (pheromones), the male is attracted and cannot help it. Lack of satisfaction creates stress.
Castration as a tried and tested remedy?
If you don’t want your dog to breed, it’s better to let the dog castrate to permit.
Due to the lack of sex drive after castration, your dog will too no longer suffer from it.
How do dogs have sex?
Decisive for the performance of the mating act in the dog is the heat the bitch.
Has the so-called heat reached its peak, the as estrus referred to as, the bitch is ready to mate.
Does the bitch encounter one during this phase potent malesit comes to dog sex.
There is also a kind of foreplay in dog sex. The type and duration are always dependent on the respective dog pair.
At the beginning sniff the dogs from all sides and mount each other.
The bitch playfully runs away from the male and he pursues her. This is how the two get to know each other.
When the actual mating can begin, the bitch stays stand still and stretches her rod to the side so that the way is clear.
That’s what happens with dog sex in male dogs
The male jumps on the bitch from behind and holds onto her waist with his front paws. The hind feet stay on the ground and do frequently dancing movements.
To begin with, the male dog’s penis is only partially erect. This makes insertion easier.
If the penis is completely penetrated, it comes to full erection. Here the glans of the male unfolds completely.
This is what happens to the bitch during dog sex
At the same time the bitch swells vein pads in the vagina.
The penis and the vagina «Knot» with each other, so that the vaginal entrance is closed tightly.
This is how it goes
Are male and female firmly connectedthe male gets off the bitch and turns his buttocks towards her.
The two animals do not separate, they stay hang.
The hanging takes time an average of 15 minutes. However, it can be completed after a few minutes or take a whole hour.
Dog sex is over when the penis and the vein padding of the vagina are swollen and the dogs separate
The dogs are allowed to hang up never be separated.
Due to the tight closure of the vaginal entrance and the complete unfolding of the penis, both dogs would get bad injuries and pain suffer from a violent separation.
How long does mating last in dogs?
Even with dogs, the time that a mating takes is individually from each pair of dogs dependent.
The complete act is always meant: Foreplay – jumping up and penetrating – hanging
It is possible that the mating longer than an hour takes time, but it can also much faster go.
Mating with the dog does not work
the longer that Hang persists, the greater the likelihood of successful conception.
Often, however, what is required does not happen Hang and the mating ends way too soon.
Reasons for unsuccessful mating
One of the most important reasons is for sure Inexperience of male and/or female.
The two face each other clumsy the male penis does not penetrate far enough into the vagina or slips out again.
Also physical dysfunctions make successful fertilization difficult. It can happen that the mating doesn’t work out with the dog.
This includes, for example, that the vein pads do not swell sufficiently or the bitch’s vagina is too tight.
Do you want to breedyou should always give the dogs enough time and peace for the mating act and never separate them beforehand.
If you are not a breeder, you should for the purpose of of your animal decide whether it should definitely remain unneutered. The sex drive is stressful when it can never be lived out!
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