a powerful protection amulet

The saint benedict medal is more than a amulet. If you want to avoid all evil around you, you must have this symbol, which has been used by Christianity on more than one occasion to deal with invisible evil. Such is its power, that it is recommended the blessing of a priest or religious to protect you from all evil.

The Catholic Church has recognized this powerful shield against evil, although in itself it can be harmless against negative energy if the wearer does not maintain a strong faith in Godrejecting any attempt to seduce the demon.

The medal caters to a prayer form or imposition against evil, alluding to the god protection to avoid all banality that could stain the spirit. when you buy one saint benedict medalit is necessary that you carry out certain actions so that it begins to protect you.

The moment to acquire a Saint Benedict medal

If you have decided to buy this medal is because you are looking for prevent you from bad influences or remove negative energies from you. You can see it as an amulet; somehow it works as such, but only if you project your faith towards it and understand that its power does not lie in itself, but in your spirit and in the power of god against the evil one.

Many medals carry with them a little book with certain prayers that you can perform for the protection of your home and your family. Other prayers must be performed through the mediation of a specialized priest, preferably a exorcistalthough the Church avoids talking about this character within its religion.

The first step indicated is exorcise medal. It is necessary the Holy Water and the words of the religious in charge of this ritual. Once this symbol has been positively charged, to prevent evil from trying to get close to it, it must be kept strong. faith in god. By pointing this symbol at evil, he will end up fleeing without being able to enter where he tries to do so.

Buy the Saint Benedict medal:

You can choose to wear the saint benedict medal hanging from your neck or select larger models that are located in your home, either inside or on the door.

The symbols of the medal

In front is the image of the saint. In both hands she carries important symbols. On the right one crosswhich represents the power of christ. On the left, the book of your order, the Holy Rule. At his feet are proofs of his holiness; a cup that refers to the poison that some monks gave him and that the sign of the cross prevented him from drinking, by breaking the cup that contained it. you can also see a ravenwho carries poisoned bread, from which the saint escaped eating.

In the reverse we found the famous cross of saint benedict. The mysterious lyrics that make it up were an enigma that, luckily, has already been solved. The initials refer to the power of a prayer attributed to the saint for deliver us from evil.

We must go back to the XVII century to see in writing an event that occurred in France, in which alleged witches were going to be judged. According to the text, they claimed that they could not act maliciously before a temple, in which it was shown that she appeared painted said cross of saint benedict.

Investigating, it was possible to guess the meaning of those initials. It is a prayerpraying to San Benito and calling for his protection through the cross. Next, mention is made of the evil one, dismissing him as a guide and demanding that he move away. He forces him not to invade us with banalities, pointing him out as the evil he represents, forcing him to drink his own poison. Finally, the sentence ends with the word “peace”.

Although the Church insist that we must get away from superstitionsas far as the symbolism of this medal is concerned, without a doubt it is still a reference for the believer, who seeks a peaceful environment with nothing to disturb him.

You can buy one saint benedict medal easily, since Catholic Church recognizes her. Even can be bought in religious stores. Even if you don’t get the presence of a priest to bless her and exorcise her, if you concentrate your faith in her and can give her a little bath of Holy WaterIt will make you feel more secure.

In case you feel that you may have suffered a the evil eye or some kind of spell, it will be necessary turn to that priest, to carry this powerful medal against evil. Only true faith It will keep you protected from all evil.

You can also use them as amulets protection runesalthough the cross of saint benedict contains immense power.