Comb yourself with the original inverted braid (Video)

This hairstyle is perfect for these days when you want to be cool in a practical and simple way, without spending money and looking divine.

Forget spending hours in front of the mirror, juggling blow dryers, or hiring a hairdresser. If you want to enjoy a showy and sophisticated hairstyle in record time, you should know the inverted braid technique.

This simple hairdressing trick almost seems like a joke, as the hair is braided from the front, just below the chin. But don’t worry, if you hold your laughter in front of the mirror, in less than 5 minutes you will be done.

Begin by letting your hair fall forward, over your chest. Then, make a normal braid, taking strands of hair from front to back.

When you complete the braid, secure it with a rubber band and prepare to execute the last move: twist your hair from the front to its natural position. The result is surprising.

Do not worry because it is more complicated to explain it than to see it, so with this short video the technique will be completely clear to you.

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