He likes you? Find out according to your zodiac sign

If you’re dying to know whether or not that guy likes yousome behaviors typical of your Zodiac sign can give you away.

The loverrrrt! Some people do not show it as intensely as they feel it and others, on the contrary, seem madly in love but instead of a heart they have an iceberg.

How do you know what to expect with so many masks that people wear? The answer could lie in astrology and the way it describes the ways of being of each of the human beings according to their dates of birth.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (fire signs)

Fire signs are like a meringue: hard on the outside, but soft on the inside, so when they really like someone they bring out their most affectionate side, which contrasts with how dry they normally are. If he treats you like a piece of porcelain while he is rude to the rest of the world, have no doubts, he wants something with you!

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (earth signs)

Although they say otherwise, the earth signs yearn to have a beautiful home, full of love and prefer long and lasting relationships; so if one of them is really interested in you, he will start to include you in his plans for the future.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (air signs)

They love ideas, the mysteries of the mind and everything that sounds intellectual, so if the boy you think of wants something with you, he will try to win you over at the tip of his tongue, sweetening your ear but not with flattery, but with thoughts, analysis , arguments, etc

Does a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces (water signs) like you?

They are very emotional beings, so it will be very easy for you to know if they really want to be with you or not, because they cannot hide when someone attracts them. If that man you have in your head gets nervous when he sees you, is very intense and looks for you all the time, he wants you for himself and seriously!

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